Woman left stunned after boyfriend refuses to pay for half her flight – but people are on her side | The Sun

THE INTERNET has sided with a woman after her boyfriend refused to pay for half her flight after inviting her on a trip.

In a post on Reddit, the 24-year-old asked if she was being unreasonable to expect her 25-year-old partner to help out with part of her plane ticket.

The woman explained that her boyfriend of three years had invited her along to his brother's party, but his boss would be paying the cost of his flight on a more expensive airline.

She wrote: “When I asked about me he said that I could catch that flight too. That flight is $300 as opposed to $112 on a cheaper airline. 

“My boyfriend made it clear that he would not fly with me on the cheaper airline or help contribute to the extra $190 so that we could fly together. 

“Instead he expects me to choose – pay the extra money myself or fly alone and find my own way to his brother's house in a city I am not familiar with.”


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She also said that not only does her boyfriend make three times her salary, but also recently won $5k.

She continued: “I was excited to go and can justify $112, but for $300 it seems excessive to pay an extra $190 while my boyfriend travels for free. 

“I do not expect him to pay for my flight or the entire $190, maybe just $90 to help me out. I have never expected or even accepted my boyfriend paying for anything for me ever so this is not a common occurrence. 

“I know I could just not go but I’m hurt at the fact that he wouldn’t make the sacrifice for me when I know I would do that if the roles were reversed. I don’t know if it is unrealistic to expect the same from him so that I do not have to travel alone.”

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After asking if she was wrong to be upset, some Reddit users said he didn't have to pay for her flight.

One said: "You can ask for his financial help, he can say no."

However, the majority of people we on her side.

Someone wrote: “ Personally, I would skip this trip. His stance doesn’t make it seem very welcoming. I can understand not wanting to contribute financially but basically abandoning you to find your way there and back seems just…cold.”

Another person added: “Your boyfriend is immature and doesn’t care about you coming. You’re his guest and the fact that he isn’t paying at all for this flight and excursion while he expects you to pay to attend?

“Absolutely not. Bail on this dude, he isn’t serious about you, and every if he was, do you want to deal with this level of selfishness the rest of your life?"

It comes after the internet was divided by a woman's "trashy" behaviour when she draped her long hair over the back of her plane seat.

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Another female traveller split opinion when she revealed she had ditched her friends on holiday when their flights were cancelled.

And many sided with a man when he opted for a first class upgrade rather than pay for a family member's flight.

    Source: Read Full Article

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