‘Beatle’ terrorist told daughter of ISIS victim her dad begged ‘make it quick’

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The daughter of an aid worker who was executed by Islamic State has been told in person by one of his killers that her dad pleaded "please make it quick".

David Haines made the desperate appeal as he waited to be put to death by Jihadi John – one of four IS militants, nicknamed the "Beatles" because of their British accents, who had abducted him.

His body was never found but Mr Haines' daughter Bethany who, ever since her father's murder in 2014 has always wanted more information about his death, has now also learned that he was captured "by chance" after she courageously met with another "Beatle" Alexanda Kotey in Virginia for a two-hour chat.

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Sharing details to ITV News of her conversation with Kotey, who is originally from London, Bethany said: “He was talking about Jihadi John’s execution of my father and it was surreal.

She added: “He told me that my father knew what was coming and had said – he closed his eyes, which we saw the picture of – ‘can you make it quick?’”

Kotey, 38, went on to reveal that Mr Haines' death was delayed to give his killers time to film their propaganda video from different angles.

He is now serving eight life sentences after pleading guilty to a leadership role in the scheme to torture, hold for ransom and behead four American hostages.

The "Beatles" were also responsible for the killings of a number of Western captives, believed to include Mr Haines.

On being given details about her dad's abduction, Bethany added: “I came in with loads of questions, maps, and I ended up hardly using any of it because the conversation flowed so easily. He was open… that he personally did abduct my father.

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"He told me it was by chance they had found my father and Federico [another aid worker] a couple of days before they were abducted. And they followed them and put a tail on them and eventually they went and abducted them, so that was new.”

Kotey had refused to say sorry for Mr Haines' death during a 2019 interview with ITV News but Bethany revealed: “The final question, I asked for an apology. I pressed on with it and eventually he did say I am sorry for – he just used my words for it ‘abducting and hurting your dad’.

“Did he mean it? No.”

Reflecting on the surreal meeting, Bethany said: “I’m expecting to go in there passive aggressive and having to be assertive. And he’s smiling, he’s chatting, he’s telling me things and we’re having an honest, friendly conversation.

“I walked in, said hello to his lawyer, and just said ‘I’m not going to say it’s nice to meet you because it’s not.’ He just kind of nodded.”


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