Black bear helps itself to 60 cupcakes inside Connecticut bakery

Black bear stuns bakery employees by helping itself to a box of 60 cupcakes and ambling off to the parking lot to eat them

  • Video captured a bear entering a Connecticut bakery and eating 60 cupcakes
  • The incident happened at Taste By Spellbound in Avon, Connecticut 

Video captured the moment a massive black bear entered a Connecticut bakery and chowed down on a box of 60 cupcakes while employees watched in shock. 

The hungry bear was caught on camera Wednesday helping itself to the box of delectable desserts that were waiting inside the garage of Taste by Spellbound. 

Bakery owner Miriam Stephens said one of her employees came into the shop ‘screaming bloody murder’ and yelling: ‘There’s a bear in garage!’

Footage captured the moment the bear entered the garage and dragged out the box of cupcakes while the employees repeatedly attempted to scare him away. 

The bear finally walked away after an employee drove their car around the back and honked their horn. No one was injured in the incident. 

Video captured the moment a massive black bear entered a Connecticut bakery and chowed down on a box of 60 cupcakes while employees watched in shock

The hungry bear was caught on camera Wednesday helping itself to the box of delectable desserts that were waiting inside the garage of Taste by Spellbound.

Stephens first posted about the bear on Wednesday to let customers know that their location in Avon would have a delayed opening because of the hungry animal. 

‘Never did I think I’d say this but we had a bear come into our bakery and charge one of our ladies,’ she wrote. ‘We’re safe but the cupcakes aren’t.’ 

The Instagram post received more than 1,000 likes and dozens of comments. 

In a follow-up post, Stephens shared ‘the real story’ along with a picture of the cupcakes strewn on the sidewalk near the garage entrance. 

‘We have a loading garage in the back of our Avon shop for our Transit. Maureen was loading it with the last items before I was to leave,’ the post reads. 

‘She was on the West Hartford side of the van, looked up and saw a bear staring at her from the South Windsor side. All the sudden we hear her screaming bloody murder and then yelling “there’s a bear in garage!”’

The bakery worker ran into the kitchen and moved one of the fridges in front of the door while the group tried to figure out what to do. 

After calling 911, another worker drove around back in her vehicle which ultimately scared the bear away. 

‘She finally got him out and Maureen ran to the garage to close it as fast as she could,’ the post continued. 

In total, Stephens said the bear destroyed 60 cupcakes and a coconut cake. 

In total, Stephens said the bear destroyed 60 cupcakes and a coconut cake

The 35-second timelapse video shows the bear initially entering the garage and bringing a cupcake with him as two workers gaze at him in horror

Stephens has since poked fun at the run-in with the bear, sharing the video of the bear’s snack session accompanied by the song ‘Hungry Eyes.’ 

The 35-second timelapse video shows the bear initially entering the garage and bringing a cupcake with him as two workers gaze at him in horror. 

The next clip shows the animal dragging out the big box of cupcakes and munching on the sugary sweets one at a time. 

The video ends with one of the employees driving her car around and the bear fleeing into the wooded area behind the bakery.  

Dozens of customers have commented on the photos and videos shared by the bakery, expressing everything from relief that no one was hurt to enjoyment. 

‘His yelp review: “would have given it five stars, but only gave three bc front door wasn’t bear accessible, had to go through the back,”‘ one person joked. 

‘This is marketing gold Mariam! The bear was spellbound,’ another added. 

‘Kinda what I look like when I get cupcakes from you guys. I’m glad everyone is safe!!’ one Facebook user wrote. 

Even better, after posting the video on social media, the bakery announced a limited-edition cupcake featuring a Teddy Graham on top. 

‘The shops have a BEARY delicious menu today! (My one and only bear joke I’m gonna make),’ Stephens wrote on Friday. 

Can you blame him? The bear got his fill of some five dozen cupcakes made inside Taste by Spellbound in Avon, Connecticut

Even better, after posting the video on social media, the bakery announced a limited-edition cupcake featuring a Teddy Graham on top

According to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, there are some 1,200 bears throughout Connecticut. 

Sightings were reported in 158 of 169 towns and cities in 2022. 

‘The frequency and severity of bear-human interactions is increasing,’ DEEP spokesperson Paul Copleman said Friday. 

The recent incident involving the bear and the bakery comes after an elderly woman was attacked while walking her dog through her Hartford neighborhood. 

That woman suffered bite marks on her arms and legs in the April attack. 

In October, a 10-year-old boy was mauled by a bear in Morris, Connecticut and was saved by his wheelchair-bound grandfather who threw metal at the animal. 

The boy had been playing in his grandparents’ backyard when the bear entered and came after him, placing his leg in his mouth. 

The bear repeatedly attempted to attack the boy again and even enter the home but was frightened away by a state trooper who had arrived on the scene. 

Shortly after, the bear was fatally shot by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection in a woodland area near the house.

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