DAN WOOTTON: Diana would be ashamed of her youngest son Prince Harry

DAN WOOTTON: Gutless Harry has accused his brother William of ‘bullying’ him out of the Royal Family without a scrap of evidence to advance this ugly family feud. No matter how he deludes himself, Diana would be ashamed of her youngest

It’s Monday, January 6 2020 and the long-suffering communications secretary for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is on the phone to me briefing against other members of the Royal Family as I prepare to publish my world exclusive revealing the couple’s bombshell plan to Megxit.

I have been sitting on the story for over a week at this point.

It was NOT leaked to me by King Charles’s office after Harry sent him an email admitting he was prepared to lose his title in order to be set free from the monarchy and earn his fortune, as the Duke of Delusion claimed today in his Netflix orgy of victimhood and distortion.

After meeting with the couple at Frogmore Cottage following their return from Canada, the staffer explained to me that Harry and Meghan made the decision, in part, following the release of a Christmas picture of the Queen with Charles, William and George, which they believed was an indication they will not be a central part of the Royal Family in the future.

Having sat through all six hours of the dirty Netflix hit job, I now pity Harry and Meghan even more, writes DAN WOOTTON

No matter how much he deludes himself that he’s Princess Diana’s representative on earth, his mother would be ashamed of how Harry has thrown his own brother under the bus for commercial gain and revenge. Above: Diana with Harry in 1987

I faithfully included that briefing as part of the story to ensure I was giving Harry and Meghan a fair portrayal of their decision to quit the UK.

It’s an example of the sorts of conversations that go on all the time between royal courtiers and journalists who are working on true stories in the public interest that simply must be published.

Harry and Meghan had been doing this very thing for months, with a particular focus on the American magazines and celebrity TV journalists who were more sympathetic to their increasingly anti-monarchy cause.

But it’s this sort of briefing by Palace PRs that Harry claims resulted in him quitting Britain, trashing his own family, calling his brother a bully, undermining the life’s work of the late Queen and forever destroying any chance of a positive relationship with the Royal Family.

Having sat through all six hours of the dirty Netflix hit job, I now pity Harry and Meghan even more.

They are a toxic and deeply unhappy couple so caught up in their own fantasy of being chronic victims, despite living a life of unimaginable privilege, that they’re prepared to lose the people who really love them in favour of sycophants and celebrities.

Like Beyonce who tells Meghan, via text message, that she was ‘selected to break generational curses that need to be healed’.

Harry and Meghan are a toxic and deeply unhappy couple so caught up in their own fantasy of being chronic victims, despite living a life of unimaginable privilege, that they’re prepared to lose the people who really love them in favour of sycophants and celebrities. Above: Harry at Nottingham Cottage, in the grounds of Kensington Palace

Without a hint of irony, Harry, who chooses to retain a title gifted by the hereditary monarchy, tells the camera: ‘That’s well said.’

Or Oprah Winfrey who arrives for dinner with the couple at Kensington Palace and tells them ‘no one would ever believe’ they were living in such a hovel.

That hovel is Prince William’s former home Nottingham Cottage which boasts two bedrooms, two reception rooms, a bathroom and a garden in one of London’s richest suburbs.

Moments later they cut to scenes of the Grenfell fire, an example of the real struggles of the people they were meant to represent.

That awkward juxtaposition is just one example of the tone deafness that permeates their ‘truth’.

Although on the whole the narrative of Netflix Volume 2 is as hilarious as it is ridiculous.

Harry and Meghan claim they were just so popular, so beloved by the public and the newspapers, that the Royal Family conspired to bring them down.

After just one royal tour to Australia, Harry claims it was clear the couple were ‘doing the job better than the person who is born to do this’. In other words, his brother William and wife Kate.

Harry and Meghan claim they were just so popular, so beloved by the public and the newspapers, that the Royal Family conspired to bring them down

‘That upsets people – it shifts the balance,’ he argues.

Even the Queen, a regular on newspaper covers since 1926, was apparently jealous when The Daily Telegraph chose to use a shot of the Sussexes on its front page after the entire family attended a remembrance service.

Yes, folks, this is narcissism on a whole other level.

Meghan’s mystery PR pal Lucy Fraser is dragged out to claim: ‘They were so popular with the public, the internals at the Palace were concerned about it.’

But after a few negative newspaper front pages, largely related to Meghan’s behaviour, which we now know included multiple accusations of bullying by her staff members, the tide had turned.

Meghan’s world was rocked when a member of the public at a walkabout in Liverpool told her: ‘What you’re doing to your father is not right.’

Perhaps the brutal decision by the Duchess to cut all contact with her father Thomas Markle – the man who she had publicly credited for instilling her with many of her values – seemingly for a solitary mistake in dealing with the media might have made folk question just what sort of person she really was?

But, no, Harry and Meghan are faultless and believe all the blame for their fall in popularity was due to a conspiracy between their own flesh and blood and the British media.

Without a scintilla of evidence, Harry claims communications teams for other royals would ‘trade’ stories in order to keep negative tales about their principals out of the newspaper.

This is another fanciful and ludicrous claim – every newspaper editor and royal reporter would back me up on that.

The communications teams he speaks of actually spent hundreds of hours making legal and regulatory threats to keep true stories about Harry and Meghan out of the papers, until the evidence about their behaviour became overwhelming.

But Harry claims: ‘William and I saw what happened in my dad’s office and we made an agreement we would never let that happen to our office. To see my brother’s office copy the very thing we promised we would never ever do, that was heartbreaking.’

The reality of the situation is that after years of having a fractious relationship with the Press, which saw him nicknamed Workshy Wills, the Prince of Wales decided that, as a future king, he needed to take a more positive approach and Harry couldn’t handle it.

Dan Wootton

Of course, Harry had no problem with Meghan’s BFFs calling up the editor of People magazine to place a piece of positive propaganda in the US, however.

The contradictions and obvious attempts to mislead a gullible international audience are commonplace.

Like Meghan claiming she had no idea her on camera interview with the couple’s close friend Tom Bradby for ITV would end up being broadcast at all.

Does the arch media manipulator really expect us to believe she’s that naïve?

But anyone who thinks Harry has a shred of dignity left will surely be shocked by his full-throttled attack on his three closest relatives while recounting what went on at the infamous Sandringham Summit.

William was terrifying him by yelling; Charles was lying; the Queen was so gormless and controlled by her courtiers (as if) that she just sat back to watch it all and let others make the decisions.

But gutless Harry then went too far in this ugly feud by suggesting William had ‘bullied’ the Sussexes out of the family, without providing a scrap of evidence for that claim.

Harry says he never approved a joint statement released in the name of both brothers, which also seems fanciful.

Of course, while Harry is disgracefully attempting to paint his brother as a bully, the couple make no effort to address the serious bullying allegations formally levelled by multiple staff members against Meghan, instead dismissing them as part of the racism she experienced.

But her lawyer Jenny Afia insists it is ‘absolutely untrue’ the Duchess is a bully. 

Having spoken to many courtiers for the Royal Family over the years, William and Kate’s behaviour has been impeccable, with both regularly having to comfort loyal staff members who told them they were left so shaken by the treatment they received from Harry and Meghan.

But there is no going back for William and Harry now; their relationship is forever shattered.

Harry’s conclusion is altogether different, admitting he misses his family, many long-time friends and his beloved home country, anything but a triumph 

The Sussexes and Netflix piled on the misery by running footage and photographs of the couple’s widely panned Caribbean tour earlier this year, which was seemingly destroyed partly by the unsubstantiated racism allegations levelled by Meghan.

In fact, Harry and Meghan’s entire story is unsubstantiated; they operate by the woke pretence that feelings matter more than facts.

If anyone questions Harry’s story or asks for evidence of his claims, he would no doubt shrug and repeat his mantra: ‘If you speak truth to power that’s how they respond.’

There’s no accountability in his disgraceful bid to bring down his own family and the very institution of the monarchy.

And why is he doing this anyway? Because Harry didn’t get the precious ‘genuine apology’ he had inappropriately demanded of Charles and William at Prince Philip’s funeral.

Love wins, Meghan claims at the end of the reality horror show, a reference to her favourite phrase.

Harry’s conclusion is altogether different, admitting he misses his family, many long-time friends and his beloved home country, anything but a triumph.

No matter how much he deludes himself that he’s Princess Diana’s representative on earth, his mother would be ashamed of how Harry has thrown his own brother under the bus for commercial gain and revenge.

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