Driver fuming after rude note calling him a ‘d****head’ for not parking correctly… but whose side are you on?

A DRIVER has been left fuming after residents left a rude note on his car calling him a "d***head" for his parking – but whose side are you on?

The man had been visiting the rural town of Warwick in the Southern Downs region of Queensland, Australia when he discovered the brutal message.

Less than impressed locals had gone to the trouble of printing the strongly-worded note and pinning it on the vehicle.

It read: "Can you read d***head!!!The sign says 'ANGLE PARKING'.

The poster also featured an informative diagram to show the driver where he had gone wrong, alongside the words: "You inconsiderate p****!!"

The man's son shared a picture of the savage note, but told social media users his disgruntled dad had not seen anything to indicate the area required angle parking.

He claimed the street in the land Down Under was merely a gravel road without any markings for motorists parking up.

The angle format is often used on streets and in car parks which are not typically wide enough for straight bays.

Some even argue that it optimises space and allows drivers to exit the bay with more ease.

The explicit parking note spared a debate amongst social media users as they discussed who's side they were on.

One Reddit user recalled how he had previously parked his car in an empty car park with no lines or rules – so followed the positioning of the established row and parked on the end.

But when they returned, he too received a "nasty note on the windscreen" reprimanding his parking abilities.

"When we left hours later the cars that I had parked next to were gone, and it made my car look like I parked badly because the format had changed," they explained. 


The son who shared his father's ordeal in Warwick replied: "This is pretty much exactly what happened in this case."

Others raised the fact that the note had been designed and printed out rather than randomly scrawled in a fit of road rage on paper.

"I’d say they already have a few copies of this, it must happen often," another user chimed in.

A third user encouraged the man to get his own back the next time he visited the town.

"Next time do a reverse angle park just for the malicious compliance," they wrote.

    Source: Read Full Article

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