Farmer who raped a woman after she gave him a lift home was jailed for eight years | The Sun

A FARMER has been jailed for raping a woman who gave him a lift home from a sheep-shearing competition.

Jack Frankum, 28, pounced on her after she stopped to pee in a field.

He earlier asked the 21-year-old for a lift after drinking at the 2019 event in Throwleigh, Devon.

In a victim statement she said: “The fact that he did what he wanted sexually disgusts me.

“It has left an awful mark on me. He was bigger and much stronger.

“He took the view that what Jack wants, Jack gets. No means no and he should have listened to me.”


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Frankum, of Cheriton Bishop, was found guilty of rape and sex assault and jailed for eight years at Exeter crown court.

Virginia Cornwall, defending, said he had sold most of his livestock in anticipation of prison.

She presented references which described him as respectful, courteous, hardworking, caring, loyal, and a valued member of the farming community.

After the case, Detective Constable Craig Ferguson, said: “This has been a very lengthy and detailed police investigation, which has seen some delays in the courts whilst we awaited trial.

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“I wish to acknowledge the courage and fortitude of the victim in remaining committed to this case, and her path to justice throughout this investigation and the delay that we have seen.

“I also wish to pay personal tribute to the victim, and her absolute strength in attending court to give her evidence at the trial.

“I acknowledge that this was incredibly difficult for her given what Frankum had done. It is only through the victim’s strength throughout this process that we have seen this result, and I hope that she can now move forward in her life with her family in the knowledge that she has seen some justice for what he did to her.”

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