FBI tracking Proud Boys and armed militias over fears of ‘dangerous violence’ in DC this week as Biden win challenged

THE FBI is tracking the Proud Boys and armed militias over fears of "dangerous violence" in Washington DC this week as Joe Biden's win is challenged.

Law enforcement is working with Metropolitan DC police to try and grasp how many Trump supporters will be at the capital, Newsweek reported.

They are also trying to determine whether the protests will turn violent on January 6.

However, sources said the planning has become complicated as rumors spread that some Republican leaders in Congress might stand down or "hold back" the Capitol Police.

An FBI-led "special event threat assessment" prepared last month for Biden's inauguration did not mention protesters, saying there are no "specific or credible threats," the outlet reported.

"Based on historical precedence, an increase in threat reporting through the end of January is expected with much of the reporting likely of dubious credibility, vague in nature, uncorroborated, and often meant to intimidate," the assessment read.

However, the assessment reportedly only addressed terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, cyber-security and disruption of crucial infrastructure.

Anonymous sources told the outlethowever that the FBI is tracking right-wing extremist groups and armed militias.

They are also reportedly keeping tabs on Trump supporters such as the Proud Boys.

The news comes just days after Trump urged his supporters to flock to Washington DC to demand Congress overturn the 2020 election results the day it convenes to certify Biden's win.

Lawmakers will formally certify the Electoral College vote results on January 6, ensuring Joe Biden will be inaugurated into the White House on January 20th.

The Trump march will reportedly be headed by ardent allies like the recently pardoned George Papadopoulos, who lied to the FBI in 2016 during its Russia probe, and Roger Stone.

His followers will descend on the Washington Monument, Freedom Plaza and the Capitol after a protest website was set up, egged on by his recent tweets.

"The president is calling on us to come back to Washington on January 6th for a big protest – 'be there, will be wild!'" it read.

Last week, Trump rallied his base to be there on Twitter, writing: “JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC!”

"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election," he wrote in a flagged tweet on December 19. "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

The Washington Post noted the threats of violence, gun-smuggling and calls to set up an “armed encampment” on the Mall have emerged in encrypted forums.

The right-wing Proud Boys will also reportedly be in attendance, a far-right organization linked to violent clashes and created in 2016 by Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes.

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