Heartwarming moment stranger gives an old woman flowers

Heartwarming moment a total stranger gives an elderly woman a bunch of flowers before she bursts into tears – and the sad reason behind his random act of kindness

  • TikTok influencer Harrison Pawluk gave old lady in Melbourne a bunch of flowers
  • The random act of kindness from moved her to tears as she had a coffee in a mall
  • Pawluk, 22, said witnessing poverty during recent Los Angeles trip inspired him
  • His video has been viewed 51.9 million times since it was uploaded last week 

A young TikTok social media influencer has gone viral with a heartwarming video of himself giving flowers to an old lady in a city centre food court.

Harrison Pawluk, 22, politely interrupted the elderly woman as she drank a takeaway cup of coffee in the Emporium Melbourne mall, and asked her to hold the bouquet. 

‘Sorry to bother you, is it ok if you can just hold these?’ he asked, having been inspired to perform random acts of kindness after seeing the plight of people living in poverty overseas.

Pawluk then put his backpack on the ground and pulled out a black parker before walking off and leaving the old woman with the flowers.

‘Have a lovely day,’ he said, evoking an expression of tears on the woman’s face.

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Harrison Pawluk, 22, politely interrupted the elderly woman as she drank a takeaway cup of coffee in the Emporium Melbourne mall, and asked her to hold the bouquet – before leaving it with her and wishing her a nice day

I hope this made her day better ❤️ #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #wholesome

The June 21 video has already been viewed 51.9 million times, getting 10 million likes.

Pawluk, who has three million social media followers, told Daily Mail Australia he was inspired by witnessing homelessness during a recent trip to LA.

‘I was recently inspired to change the nature of my content and use my platform to do some good and spread some kindness,’ he said.

‘Not enough creators utilise their platforms for good.

‘I want to hopefully use mine as a vessel spreading good and hopefully inspiring a few people along the way.’

Pawluk’s TikTok and YouTube videos are making him about $10,000 to $15,000 a month through brand partnerships and sponsored posts. 

His 21-year-old Brisbane-based manager Taylor Reilly, who negotiates sponsorship, said popular TikTok influencers like Pawluk uploaded a video everyday targeted at a very specific audience.

‘Harrison isn’t out to fake his videos in order to get a viral video or an amazing reaction like a lot of creators do,’ he said.

‘He’s doing this content because he genuinely believes, sometimes one person at a time, that he’s making a difference.

Pawluk then put his backpack on the ground and pulled out a black parker before walking off and leaving the old woman with the flowers, evoking tears

‘He’s recording these kind acts because he loves creating content.

‘He hopes to inspire other people to also act and spread kindness – the snowball effect.’

Reilly, who travelled to LA with Pawluk, said the poverty they saw in California had given them a new focus with their TikTok videos.

‘I really got to experience life in a different light,’ he said.

‘I was originally making prank and skit content but after seeing the amount of poverty over there I came back to Australia with a new mindset of utilising my platform and content to spread kindness and create some good.

‘My videos right now can include small gestures giving away flowers, surprising people with money or just talking to people to help them get problems they’re facing in life off of their chest.’

Pawluk is hoping his random acts of kindness on camera yield him some revenue.

‘My new goal is to find like minded businesses that want to also spread kindness to partner with me,’ he said.

Pawluk’s 21-year-old manager Taylor Reilly (pictured), who negotiates sponsorship, said popular TikTok influencers like Pawluk uploaded a video everyday targeted at a very specific audience

Pawluk, who has three million social media followers, told Daily Mail Australia he was inspired by witnessing homelessness during a recent trip to Los Angeles

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