‘Highly sexualised’ predator who murdered PCSO Julia James in woods ambush is jailed for life | The Sun

A LONER who bludgeoned a PCSO to death with a railway jack after lurking in the woods has today been jailed for life.

Callum Wheeler, 22, killed Julia James as she walked her dog Toby near her home in Aylesham in Kent.

The "angry, violent, strange, highly sexualised" monster lay in wait for a victim in woodland before pouncing on Julia, 53, on April 27 last year.

He had hatched a gruesome plot to murder a "lone woman" weeks before battering the PCSO to death.

In a haunting twist, Julia had seen Wheeler at the woods before and told her husband he was a "really weird dude".

Wheeler was today caged for life with a minimum of 37 years after being convicted of murder at Canterbury Crown Court.

Sentencing, Mr Justice Wall told Wheeler: "Your actions have not just served to end the one life prematurely but have also destroyed the lives of the whole of her family."

Read more on the tragedy

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Julia's devastated family paid tribute to the mum in emotional victim impact statements today.

Her son Patrick branded Wheeler a "sick, twisted individual" who murdered his mum because of his "strange desires".

He said: "He should never see the light of day again. Why should he?

"My mum only wanted to walk her dog but had her life ended by this disgusting creature.

"I will not refer to him as a human being."

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Daughter Bethan Coles told how Wheeler has given the family a "life sentence", adding: "To lose my own parent, the woman I loved the most in the world is truly awful.

"To know how she was brutally attacked in broad daylight having run for her life is horrific.

"It haunts me every day of my life."

Husband Paul James broke down as he told how his life is now "empty" and reveals hestill struggles to sleep at night.

He added: "My hopes and dreams were taken. I truly felt I died too.

"My life has been jolted by the devastation and trauma. We went everywhere together. How do I do these things alone?"


The court heard chilling details of Julia's final moments as she was ambushed by Wheeler brandishing the 1m-long, 3kg weapon.

She "ran for her life" to escape the monster – with her soaring heart rate picked up by her Apple smart watch.

Tragically, the device also picked up her last breaths as her life ebbed away.

Julia suffered "catastrophic" and "completely unsurvivable" injuries after being hit on the head repeatedly with the metal railway jack.

The attack was described as a "very violent and sustained assault to the head" – with a pathologist saying her injuries were "among the worst that I've seen".

Wheeler meanwhile fled the scene still carrying the huge murder weapon in a Tesco carrier bag.

He came across a gamekeeper, who challenged the killer as he walked through a field the next day.

The brave worker took a photograph of Wheeler and called the police about a "suspicious fella".

That picture was released by police on May 7 to the public and Wheeler was arrested later that day.


Bodycam footage of his arrest showed him shouting "f*** off" from inside his bedroom to officers after barricading himself in.

After the officers managed to enter his room and handcuff him, he told them: "I didn't do it. Yous are f***ing dead, trust me."

They also discovered the bloodstained railway jack propped up against the wall.

It emerged Wheeler had trawled porn sites in the week leading up to the murder and Googled "rape" two days before.

After he was arrested, the monster chillingly told police: "You can't go into the woods and expect to be safe".

He also exposed himself in his cell and said Julia "deserved to die" for being "a f***ing fat c***".

Prosecutor Alison Morgan QC said: "He waited for Julia James or another vulnerable female to be in that wood.

"He waited to ambush her, he chased her down. She ran, desperate to get away from her attacker.

"Unable to outrun him, caught by surprise, wearing wellington boots, he struck her. She fell to the ground, she broke her wrist.

"Then, when she was face down on the ground he struck her again and again and again.

"She had no chance of survival as he hit her in that way repeatedly. Using that weapon he knew that and he intended it."


Julia was a beloved member of Kent Police and supported victims and witnesses of domestic abuse.

Deputy chief constable Tim Smith said he and Mrs James's colleagues "miss her greatly".

He said: "The impact on us, the force and the staff who work in the force, has been far more profound I would suggest than perhaps any other murder case we've had in the county because of that deep connection that Julia had with the organisation.

"She was very much loved.

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"She was known by staff at all ranks and all roles, and particularly in the east of the county where she worked for a long time.

"There's a very personal impact for us as a force."

    Source: Read Full Article

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