I was beaten up, tortured and had my teeth kicked out in hellhole Thai jail – now I can’t work for two months, says Brit | The Sun

A BRIT was banged up abroad in a hellhole Thai jail where he was tortured and beaten by cops.

Carl Gentry-Evans, 51, was holidaying in Phuket, southern Thailand, when his life was turned upside down after he was targeted by a local gang who spiked his drink.

Pictures obtained by The Sun Online, reveal a gripping tale of how the innocent Southampton man lost just about everything in the ordeal, including four teeth.

British authorities are now investigating the allegations he was brutally mistreated by Thai police.

Carl said he had just secured accommodation in Pa Tong before he was drugged, mugged.

But when he tried to confront the muggers – instead he found himself in a jail cell left to rot.


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"Right at this time in my life I am completely f****d. I don't know what to do," he told The Sun Online.

Smashed in ribs, bruised limbs, septic infections, severely swollen wrists only begin to paint a picture of what he endured.

Prior to being locked up, Carl found himself in a two-day frenzied delirium after allegedly having his drink spiked.

The local crooks involved in the set-up stole his bank cards and drained him of all that he was worth, about £6,800.

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More than 48 hours later, Carl returned to a normal state and found bizarre purchases on his bank statement.

He used the shop names to retrace his steps to his original accommodation.

When he arrived he ended up being met by cops, who threw him into a police van and took him to jail.

During the drive, Carl said four police with metal poles beat him, while the head officer pummelled his face.

He said: "I thought I could take it, but they continued to beat me, knocking out my teeth and blackening both my eyes.

"At that point, I stopped resisting, realising my life was at stake."

When Carl got to Pa Tong Police station he was locked up on bogus cocaine charges.

According to reviews on Google, Pa Tong Police has a chequered history of alleged corruption.

Many of the accusations surround officers targeting foreigners and demanding excessive bribes.

The battered Brit said what unfolded next was horrendous.

He said: "I immediately asked to do a test to prove I had no cocaine in my system or in my possession.

"They refused and threw me into a tiny cell full of faeces and old waste."

He was left in the hellhole overnight and was refused food and water.

Carl said the police scoffed at his requests for medical assistance or to phone the British Embassy.

He said: “I was captive with no rights.”

"I found a lighter, which I used to light some rubbish on fire and screamed for help hoping to catch the attention of a foreigner outside the prison."

Following the act of desperation, seven officers bustled into his cell to nullify the situation.

He said: "They put chains around my neck and secured it to either side of the cell and handcuffed me so tight that it cut off circulation in my arms.

"They continued to beat me for about five hours.

"The torture and humiliation was horrific."

Eventually there was some respite, but Carl said he soiled himself during the traumatic situation.

He said: "I had diarrhoea, it was humiliating.

"I was left there chained up all bloodied and cut up with my feet submerged in the faeces causing them to go rotten.

"I panicked, I have no criminal record and I've never been brought in for questioning.

"I thought I was going to get killed."

The torturous conditions carried on for the better of seven days.

Eventually Carl was allowed to make a phone call to his sister in New Zealand, who came to his rescue.

She alerted the embassy and wired him £800 that paid for his release and immediate medical attention.

No official charges were laid against the Brit.

Carl said: "I was in survival mode, it was horrendous – I mean these are the police, they're meant to protect you."

After being discharged from hospital, a friend loaned him money to buy some clothes.

He used the remainder to catch a cab to pick up his belongings and then go to Phuket police station to report what just occurred.

From there he was sent to the tourist police station.

He made contact with the UK Embassy in Thailand, who were little help.

He reported he was robbed of £7000, was wrongfully jailed and tortured by local police.

The Sun reached the embassy for comment regarding Mr Gentry-Evans claims.

A Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office spokesman said investigations were ongoing.

The spokesman said: "We supported a British man in Thailand.

"We take any allegations of mistreatment very seriously and are raising our concerns with the authorities."

Carl was later taken to hospital again after his injuries worsened.

With no assistance from embassy officials, his sister booked him on the next flight to Birmingham.

Now in the UK, the man is left homeless with no money and is bound by crutches.

The doctors said he would not be able to return to his hands-on-job in passive fire protection because of his sustained injuries.

Carl said he was helpless.

He said: "The doctors said it will take at least two months to recover.

"I still can't see out of my right eye that was gouged by a policeman and is still infected.

"My face is so battered that I can't eat. Out in public I am so paranoid, I'm a nervous wreck… I am jumpy as soon as a shadow is near me – I need help."

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However, he said one thing was for certain – he wanted those involved held accountable.

"The police need to pay for what they did, there needs to be some justice."

Source: Read Full Article

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