Incredible moment couple FLOAT their dream home 50 miles across lake to new picture perfect location

THIS is the incredible moment a couple floated their dream home 56 miles across a lake to a new location.

Kirk Lovell and Daniele Penney, from Newfoundland, Canada, moved their 100-year-old home to its idyllic new spot.

The couple had bought the house from a retired couple who wanted to tear down the century-old building, according to local media.

Penney said the property was a "dream" but that it would have been almost impossible to move it by road due to the overhead power lines.

They knew the only way to keep the house was to float it across the river like resettlement-era Canadians.

From the 1950s there were efforts by the government to close down many remote communities.

Forced to move from their villages, families floated their homes across the sea to the bigger communities.

“I wanted to see if it could float,” Lovell told SaltWire. “They did it back in the 60s, and they never had much to work with.”

After two months of research, the couple figured out that they could float their home by lifting it up with 28 plastic barrels and styrofoam insulation.

It took seven days for the house to be placed on its new platform.

On October 11, the couple moved their new home to the water's edge and floated it 56 miles across the bay.

Penney told SaltWire how hard it was for her to watch the house's journey.

“It was like you were teeter-tottering on faith," she said.

"Was it going to stay afloat? Was it going to sink?”

Neighbours helped the couple by assisting the house with their small boats to make sure it didn't take on too much water.

One of the neighbours who got involved said it took five hours for the house to be moved across the bay.

“At the end of the day, a historic home was saved, a family will have a renovated home to live in with a spectacular view and everyone got to share an amazing story that will be talked out for years,” Keith Goodyear said on Facebook.

“Congrats to all involved.”

During its move, the house took on some water and had to be dried out using a wood stove and commercial driers.

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