Jealous boyfriend murdered man he accused of sleeping with his lover

Jealous boyfriend, 35, who stabbed a man to death after accusing him of sleeping with his lover faces life behind bars for murder

  • Oliver Muldowney, 35, asked: ‘Think you can f*** Bobbie?’ before stabbing victim
  • He was convicted of the murder of Tim Hipperson, 39, and dealing class A drugs
  • Muldowney attacked victim in Richmond alley in cannabis drug deal gone wrong
  • Large serrated knife left a ‘large, deep wound’ across Mr Hipperson’s chest
  • He fled scene with fellow dealer and denied charges, but now faces life in prison 

A jealous boyfriend stabbed and killed a man he accused of sleeping with his girlfriend, after asking the victim, ‘Think you can f*** Bobbie?’ [his partner]

Drug dealer and father-of-three Oliver Muldowney, 35, is now facing a life behind bars after being convicted of the murder of Tim Hipperson, 39.

Muldowney asked Mr Hipperson ‘Think you can f*** Bobbie?’, referencing rumours the victim slept with his partner, Bobbie Tomkins, before attacking him in an alleyway in a drug deal gone wrong in Richmond, London

He stabbed Mr Hipperson with a large serrated knife which caused a deep wound across his chest.

Mr Hipperson staggered from the scene near Kings Road but died in hospital three days later.

Tim Hipperson, 39, pictured, was stabbed across the chest by Oliver Muldowney, 35, on May 17 last year after he was accused of sleeping with drug dealer Muldowney’s partner. Mr Hipperson then staggered from the scene in Kings Road, Richmond but died in hospital three days later

Muldowney then escaped to the home of a drug dealing associate and fled via taxi to Brentford.

The victim and his friend Chris Rosser had called Muldowney on May 17 last year to buy cannabis and smoke it together.

The two friends were walking along Peldon Passage where they met 36-year-old Jonathan Nash, a drug runner for Muldowney.

Money and drugs were exchanged and Nash left.

‘However, within just a few minutes, Nash came back, but this time he was with his boss Oliver Muldowney,’ prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones told the court earlier.

‘By this time Tim Hipperson and Chris Rosser were sitting down and had already started to smoke the drugs which they had purchased.

‘Tim Hipperson was sitting with his back to Muldowney, as Muldowney was approaching but he was told by Chris Rosser who was looking the other way that Muldowney was behind him.

‘So Tim stood up and said, “All right, Ollie?”

‘Muldowney’s response to that was to say to Tim Hipperson, “Think you can f*** Bobbie?”, a reference to Muldowney’s long-term girlfriend whose name is Bobbie.

In court last week, Muldowney denied intending to kill or cause grievous bodily harm to Mr Hipperson because he believed he slept Bobbie. 

‘As Chris Rosser looked on, Muldowney made three or four punching motions towards Tim Hipperson’s upper chest,’ Mr Emlyn added.

‘It was only when Muldowney moved away that Chris Rosser realised that they were not punches because Muldowney was holding a large knife, with a serrated blade, and had used that knife to stab Tim Hipperson, causing a large and deep stab wound to his chest, entering in the left armpit.’

Mr Hipperson collapsed and was airlifted from Kings Road in Richmond (pictured) on May 17 last year after the attack. He died three days later in hospital from his injuries

After the stabbing, Muldowney allegedly fled with Nash to the home of his partner Natalie Stevens, 38, who helped him escape by booking him a taxi to Brentford.

That evening, Mr Rosser was told Muldowney wanted to speak with him and he was instructed to go to Stevens’ flat.

When Mr Rosser arrived, Nash handed him a phone with Muldowney on the other end of the line, it is said.

‘In that telephone conversation, Muldowney told Mr Rosser to leave the area, he said leave the area for about a month and he offered him drugs and money in order to persuade him to do just that,’ Mr Emlyn Jones said.

Mr Rosser accepted the drugs but went to the police and became the key witness in the trial.

Muldowney denied the charges but was found guilty of murder and perverting the course of justice by a unanimous jury.

Nash and Stevens denied and were cleared of perverting the course of justice.

But the jury found Nash guilty of two counts of supplying class A drugs.

In December last year, Muldowney was in custody for the stabbing, and in contact with 19-year-old Bonnie Eastwood – daughter of his partner Bobbie Tomkins.

He allegedly got her to speak to prosecution witness Elaine Doyle to try and persuade her from giving evidence and said there was £60,000 price on her head.

In a voice note sent from the 19-year-old to Muldowney on December 23 she said: ‘Eileen why the f*** are you grassing on Ollie? I told her some f***ing home truths.’

However, the jury cleared both Muldowney and Eastwood of witness intimidation.

Oliver Muldowney, 35, denied murdering Tim Hipperson at the Old Bailey in London (pictured) but was convicted of his murder and supplying class A drugs. However he was cleared of perverting the course of justice

Muldowney, of no fixed address, denied but was convicted of murder and perverting the course of justice and admitted two counts of being concerned in the supply of controlled drugs of class A.

He further denied and was cleared of witness intimidation.

Nash, of Hounslow Road, Hounslow, west London, denied and was acquitted of perverting the course of justice but was convicted of two counts of being concerned in the supply of controlled drugs of class A.

Stevens, of Sheen Road, Richmond, denied and was cleared of perverting the course of justice.

Eastwood, of Morland Close, Hampton, denied and was cleared of witness intimidation.

A sentencing date has yet to be fixed.

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