Russian soldier gives drone the middle finger before it blitzes Putin's forces

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Video footage has captured the moment a soldier gave the middle finger to a Ukrainian drone before it blew up Russian forces.

Ukrainian soldiers were pushing back the Russians in the east of the country, using a drone to drop munitions on the forces.

The clip shows the drone zooming in on six Russian troops who are standing around a military vehicle.

One Russian soldier can be seen sticking up his middle finger at the craft as the drone zooms in on him.

It then unleashes a grenade onto the tank, causing it to erupt into a mass of flames.

Just last week, a report issued by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) found Russia’s elite airborne forces are suffering heavy casualties, with details about president Vladimir Putin’s ‘tactical failures’.

According to Ukraine, Russia has lost 28,000 troops – 20% of the force which originally launched the ‘special military operation’ back in February 2020.

As much as 60% of Russia’s military equipment has been destroyed since the start of the war, according to Ukraine.

But Russia has continued to bomb areas in Ukraine in an attempt to wipe out key cities.

Recent footage shows the recently renovated Palace of Culture building engulfed in flames after being hit with a rocket believed to have been launched from a strategic bomber.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the attack, which happened in the Lozova region of Kharkiv.

Russia’s ‘Terminator’ tanks are now also in use for the first time since the war began.

The distinctive tank support vehicle — or armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) — is designed to fight in tight urban spaces and reduce the risk to both tanks and infantry.

The terminator tanks are Russia’s most advanced weapons system as Putin attempts to portray his troops as some of the strongest in the world.

They can hit targets from nearly four miles away and have supersonic anti-tank missiles.

But Russian forces have still failed to capture major cities in the country like Kyiv and Kharkiv, despite this being the main objective of Putin’s forces since the start of the war.

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