Shocked man comes home to find ravenous brown bear chomping on KFC bucket

A MAN was given a huge shock when he came into his house to find a bear munching down his KFC bucket.

John Holden found the wild neighbour sitting on the kitchen worktop helping itself to the fried chicken leftovers.

John who lives in Sierra Madre, California was greeted by a bear outside before discovering his front door had been forced open, and spotted another furry animal inside the house.

He suspects the hungry bear was joined by others given the sizeable mess, as they were lured in by the scent of the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices.

The surprised homeowner filmed the bear chomping down his Kentucky Fried Chicken before getting the bears to leave by making loud noises.

He told ABC7: "I've had a lot of other encounters with them. I've actually had them bump into me a couple times in the backyard, but definitely never in the house like that.

"That was something else and they sure made a mess of the place."

After helping themselves to his food, John said the bears remained in his garden for a while.

Bear sightings are increasingly common in parts of California as well as other parts of the States.

In July, a man in Tennessee was given the shock of his life when another greedy bear was spotted in his car – after breaking into it in search of food.

Joseph Deel recorded footage of him opening his car door to discover the seats ripped to shreds, while the creature pops his head out and prowls around the white Nissan vehicle.

In the same month, a man in Alaska was terrorised by a grizzly bear every night for a week.

The survivor was down to his last two bullets before a helicopter saw his SOS sign and saved him.

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