Single lucky British ticket-holder scoops £59million jackpot

Single lucky British ticket-holder scoops £59million EuroMillions jackpot, Camelot announces

  • A UK ticketholder has won a jackpot of £59million in the latest Euromillions
  • The winning numbers for tonight’s National Lottery are 28, 46, 17, 05, 41
  • It marks the second time a EuroMillions jackpot has gone to a Briton this month 

A UK ticket-holder has won Tuesday’s £59 million EuroMillions jackpot, Camelot said.

Tonight’s National Lottery EuroMillions winning numbers are: 28, 46, 17, 05, 41.

The Lucky Stars are: 11, 10.

Camelot’s Andy Carter, senior winners’ adviser at the National Lottery, said: ‘What amazing news, one UK winner has scooped tonight’s fabulous £59 million EuroMillions jackpot.

‘This is the second UK EuroMillions jackpot winner in April after a lucky ticket-holder scooped the gigantic £122 million jackpot on April 2.’

Tonight’s National Lottery EuroMillions winning numbers are: 28, 46, 17, 05, 41 (file image)

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