Spiritual connection formed amid friendship spanning decades

Sleeping now in my guest room, a childhood friend has come from Sydney to spend the weekend. A Melburnian back then, we met when she came to my central school, as they were then called, in first form.

We became best friends, and formed a group with my sister and a few girls who’d come from other state schools. Inseparable, together we went on to Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School where we remained as one, until embarking on our eclectic tertiary studies.

The Beatles wave to fans from the first floor balcony of the Southern Cross Hotel on their 1964 Australian tour.Credit:Fairfax Media

From different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, none of us were ever religious, and yet there was something like a deep spirituality connecting us. Something you couldn’t label, but could sense and feel.

Leaving school to navigate the rocky terrain of the real world, an invisible thread kept us linked, across cities and continents. We have loved and lost, husbands have died. We have faced life’s challenges, tragedies and heartache, and been buoyed by miracles along the way; tenaciously still here and connected across borders.

Bopping along today to our soundtracks of the past we could have just as easily been back, screaming at John, Paul, George and Ringo, on the balcony of the Southern Cross Hotel some six decades ago. Or on long, lingering, carefree Sundays, sitting on the floor in each other’s homes, surrounded by our treasured records scattered at our feet.

As adults, the places of our youth slowly gather ghosts. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles die, and as we grow old ourselves more friends of our generation disappear from our lives. We pass our old neighbourhoods, our childhood homes achingly absent, to make room for apartment complexes.

We pass the streets on which we played outside with the neighbours’ kids, and the parks where we’d walk our dogs. Mostly absent are the corner milk bars where we’d buy icy-poles on sweltering summer days after being sent home from school, when the temperature hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

We walk along the beaches where we’d hang out and fry our skin for the entire six weeks of school holidays, which in our innocent children’s minds seemed like an eternity. We drive past the occasional ten-pin bowling alley, still standing, where we’d be allowed to venture on weekends in our group as we reached our mid-teens.

What is it that enables we humans to leave the past behind and yet carry it within us? As I soaked up my friend’s presence throughout the day, the updates on our lives punctuated constantly with reminiscence of those treasured memories, I knew the answer. It’s those invisible threads we forge along the way.

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