Gal Gadot Once Recalled 'Almost Dying' the First Time She Put the 'Wonder Woman' Costume On

Gal Gadot recently reprised her role as Wonder Woman, starring in Marvel’s Wonder Woman 1984. The highly-anticipated superhero flick has the beautiful actress fighting crime in the 1980s. 

And while Gadot looks great on screen in her iconic costume, it didn’t always fit her well. In fact, she recalls “almost dying” after she tried it on for the first time. 

Gal Gadot wasn’t a big fan of Wonder Woman growing up 

Even though she’s played the role of Wonder Woman for several years now, Gadot wasn’t always very knowledgeable about the character. Growing up in Isreal, she wasn’t too interested in comic books and wasn’t familiar with Wonder Woman’s story. 

“Growing up I knew of Wonder Woman, but I didn’t know much about her,” Gadot said. “I wasn’t a big comic book fan.”

She said people didn’t like her for the role because her ‘boobs were too small’

When Gadot was cast for the Wonder Woman role, it was met with surprise and criticism from certain people. Although there are various reasons why people may not have liked her for the role, she thinks it’s really because of her physical features. 

“I had too small of boobs,” Gadot said. “That’s a big problem.”

While Gadot would prefer that people focus on more important qualities, such as her ability to act, she understands how the movie business works. 

“They really paid attention to the important part,” Gadot said sarcastically. 

The Wonder Woman costume was so tight she ‘almost died’

After successfully landing the role, Gadot was called in to try on the Wonder Woman costume. Although she was beyond excited to be involved with the project, the costume itself caused some problems for her. 

“A day after I was told that I got the part they let me wear the Wonder Woman suit for the first time, and I almost died,” Gadot said. “Because it was really, really tight. Really tight, like, really, really tight. But I didn’t say anything because I was so happy.”

Even though she seemed fine on the surface, the production crew eventually realized that the suit didn’t fit her. 

“But then I lost air and then they figured it was too tight,” Gadot said, laughing. 

Gal Gadot starting acting after the Miss Universe beauty pageant 

Although Gadot is a world-famous actress today, she had no intention of becoming one earlier in her life. Initially, she was interested in becoming a lawyer but started getting attention from casting directors after participating in the Miss Universe pageant. 

“I wasn’t an actress back then,” Gadot said. “This casting director flew from England to Israel and she was looking for the [James] Bond girl. When my agent told me about that I was like, ‘No way I’m gonna audition, I’m studying law and international relationship, and way too smart and serious for being an actress.’”

Even though she had no interest in acting initially, she realized how much fun it could be after going to a few auditions.

“I had a callback, and another callback, and another, and throughout this process, I realized that ‘G–damn, acting is so much more fun than going to law school.”

Gadot clearly made the right decision with her career, as she’s the lead actress in Marvel’s Wonder Woman 1984

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