Prince Harrys pal Oprah weighs in on his chance of peacemaking with William

Oprah Winfrey, a close friend of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has shared her thoughts on hopes of a possible reconciliation with his brother Prince William, in the wake of their grandmother, The Queen’s death.

While speaking briefly about the subject while promoting Sidney, a documentary about Disney Poitier at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, the famous talk show host faced a number of questions regarding the royals' relationship.

Asked by Extra, if she thought the Queen’s sad death last week could unite the family again, Oprah replied: "I think in all families — you know, my father passed recently, this summer — and when all families come together for a common ceremony, the ritual of burying your dead, there's an opportunity for peacemaking … and hopefully, there will be that.”

The response marked the first time Oprah has spoken out publicly on the topic, after she shut down an interview with her friend Gayle King when she asked a similar question.

After seeing the brothers unite at Windsor Castle over the weekend as they inspected some of the many floral tributes left for the Queen, Gayle said many fans were hoping for a reconciliation. She then asked Oprah directly: "What do you say?”

Oprah then calm but cooly replied, "I do not get into people's family matters, and I certainly … Ya know, everybody who has experienced some challenges in their families with in-laws or brothers or sisters knows how difficult some of those situations can be.

“I'm sure that for the royal family it's no different. And nobody consults me about their family business so I try to stay out of people's family business."

Immediately after the question, Oprah decided to cut short the interview, as she told her longtime friend: “And, Gayle, that is the end of this interview.”

Oprah did however open up about her thoughts on the Queen herself, as she discussed the monarch’s reign during an interview with Access Hollywood over the weekend as she described her as “the standard.”

“You know, everybody gets called the queen; there really was one. And she is the standard for all the rest of us, whoever get called queens, and the reason she was is because of her service,” she shared.

“Martin Luther King said that it is the greatest offering anybody can bring to the world is service, because greatness is determined through service, and I think what she did was serve her countrymen and serve everyone for 70 years.

“And the sacrifice that that takes to make when you’re 25 years old and to say, ‘I’m going to offer myself in sacrifice to my country.’ That’s what she did.”

This week, OK! celebrates the life of Her Majesty the Queen with a commemorative special in honour of Britain’s longest reigning monarch. Be sure to pick up your copy.


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