Anzac day 2022: What is Anzac Day? How the memorial day is celebrated across the world

Prince William lays wreath at Cenotaph on Anzac Day

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Anzac Day is a day to commemorate the members of the armed forces who fought on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915. Today marks 107 years since Australian and New Zealand troops landed on Turkish shores, and is recognised as a major national holiday in both countries. Celebrations take place each year to pay tribute to those who battled and died for their nation, but what else is done to mark the occasion? This is everything you need to know about Anzac Day 2022.

What is Anzac day?

Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand soldiers on the Gallipoli Peninsula during World War 1.

Thousands lost their lives during the 1915 Gallipoli campaign, including 44,000 men from France and the British Empire, 8,500 Australians and 2,779 New Zealanders – though only one in six of those served on the shores.

The unique name is an acronym for the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps who were the troops which fought in the historical Battle of Gallipoli.

Why is Anzac day celebrated on April 25?

The Commonwealth soldiers arrived on the Turkish shores of Gallipoli on April 25, 1915.

Like most national days of remembrance, the date for Anzac Day stems from the key event which marked the start of the famous battle.

107 years ago to the day, the Anzac’s attempted to take the Gallipoli peninsula from Turkey to enable allied forces to capture the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

It was a crucial campaign in World War 1 because the Ottoman Empire was an ally of Germany.

Why is Anzac day so significant in New Zealand and Australia?

The casualties the Anzac troops suffered during the failed campaign has become an important point in the history of Australia and New Zealand.

While British, Indian and French troops also served and experienced significant losses in Gallipoli, the landings signified a crucial time for New Zealand in their journey to becoming a distinct nation.

April 25 has grown to encompass subsequent conflicts – such as World War Two and the Vietnam War – but the original link to Gallipoli remains.

Gallipoli and the wider Dardanelles Peninsula remain a place frequently visited by Australians and New Zealanders today to remember those lost.

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How is Anzac day celebrated?

To recognise the national holiday, both New Zealand and Australia hold an Anzac Day service followed by parades and gatherings at war memorials.

This year, full scale Anzac commemorations have returned for the first time since 2019, when the coronavirus pandemic halted long-standing traditions.

The moving ceremonies have already kicked off in Australia, with residents in the Gold Coast, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne gathering to attend a Dawn Service to pay tribute to those who fought on the Turkish shores.

New Zealand also held multiple Dawn Services this morning at venues including the Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, and the War Memorial Museum in Auckland.

Why is Anzac day so significant in New Zealand and Australia?
The casualties the Anzac troops suffered during the failed campaign has become an important point in the history of Australia and New Zealand.
While British, Indian and French troops also served and experienced significant losses in Gallipoli, the landings signified a crucial time for New Zealand in their journey to becoming a distinct nation.
April 25 has grown to encompass subsequent conflicts – such as World War Two and the Vietnam War – but the original link to Gallipoli remains.
Gallipoli and the wider Dardanelles Peninsula remain a place frequently visited by Australians and New Zealanders today to remember those lost.

Does the UK celebrate Anzac day?

As well as being marked in Australia and New Zealand, Anzac Day is also observed in the UK, notably in London and Edinburgh.

According to the British Army, the day is used to honour the service and sacrifice of Anzac soldiers through the years, while remembering our own service personnel who fell during the Gallipoli campaign.

The annual Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving to mark Anzac day will be held at Westminster Abbey today between 12pm and 1pm.

Members of the Royal Family, including Prince William and the Duke of Gloucester, will attend the service.

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