Aquarius February horoscope 2021: What’s in store for Aquarius in February?

Astrology: People want to relate to horoscopes says Vyse

Aquarius season leads us all the way up until February 18, so lots of Aquarians will be celebrating their birthday this month. February is all about being true to yourself, but you might experience a few setbacks. chatted to astrologer, cosmic coach, crystal healer and founder of the Moon Child Sorority, Bex (@cosmic_cures on Instagram) to hear her Aquarius February 2021 predictions.

February is an exciting month for Aquarians because the Sun is in Aquarius and so are four more signs.

Bex explained: “A stellium is when three or more planets converge in a constellation, and February sees Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn all chilling in Aquarius, alongside the sun.

“Because of this, be aware that this month is a bit of a free for all. Anything could happen, and that means anything!”#


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Your ruling planets, Saturn and Uranus, may cause you some trouble this month.

Bex said: “Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, and it just so happens that on February 17 these two planets are forming a square aspect with each other.

“Square aspects indicate we are about to learn a lesson from friction and disruption. It can be a tense time!

“While Saturn governs structure, rules and the ‘established’ way of doing things, Uranus brings about change, self-awareness and rebellion.”

This square aspect could bring on a desire to overhaul your image dramatically and alter the way people have perceived you for a long time.

Alternatively, it might cause you to feel restricted from making your voice heard.

Bex added: “With Jupiter also present in Aquarius then one thing is for sure – these effects will be expansive and far-reaching, and we could see things going way over the top!”

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Mercury is in Retrograde in Aquarius until February 21, and this could also cause a few hiccups.

Bex warned: “Be aware of how you use technology to communicate to the wider world, and what assumptions others might make.

“Remember that we aren’t giving the entire story when we show up on social media – far from it – and so misjudgements can be formed.

“Try to bring as much balance to your virtual activities as possible!”

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11 is going to be a positive experience for you.

Bex said: “This is an ideal opportunity to set intentions for the next six months, specifically regarding the authentic version of yourself you present to the world.

“Ask yourself what it is you can offer society, and how you’ve been craving getting your message across.

“Can you commit to using your skills to help others? By the time Mercury goes direct on the 21st then things should have started to calm down and you might receive information that gives you a clearer indication of how to focus your attention for the next few months.

“Phew! It’s going to be a busy one, Aquarius – but you’re ready for it!”

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