Big Brother 23’s Tiffany Says Kyland ‘Made a Mistake’ Not Targeting Xavier

This one hurt! Tiffany Mitchell was the first member of the dominant Cookout alliance voted out of Big Brother 23 during the double eviction on Thursday, September 16.

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The phlebotomist, 40, was evicted unanimously while sitting next to close ally Hannah Chaddha after Head of Household Kyland Young put them on the block and later won the veto to keep nominations the same.

“I think Kyland made a mistake nominating me and Hannah,” Tiffany exclusively tells Us Weekly. “I definitely think that he should have stuck with us because we didn’t have a choice but to stick with him. He’s taking a huge chance with Xavier [Prather] because Xavier wants to win.”

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Not knowing that Hannah sadly followed her out the door, she adds, “Azah [Awasum] or Big D [Derek Frazier] can follow me out in jury. Not that I want any one of them to go, but on a game level, as far as strategy, this is a game. I want a game player to win this game. I think Kyland, Hannah and Xavier have done a phenomenal job adding to The Cookout getting further with their game play.”

Watch our interview above or scroll down to read what else Tiffany told us about her game, including her final two plans with Hannah and whether she would ever play again!

Big Brother airs on CBS Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 8 p.m. ET.

Us Weekly: Do you think Kyland made a $750,000 mistake sticking by Xavier over you?

Tiffany Mitchell: I think Kyland made a mistake nominating me and Hannah. I definitely think that he should have stuck with us because we didn’t have a choice but to stick with him. He’s taking a huge chance with Xavier because Xavier wants to win. Kyland wants to play Batman versus Superman. Xavier wants to win $750,000. However, maybe Kyland would win sitting next to either one of us. So if he wants to go Marvel, then he chose the best choice.

Us: Do you think you’ve got enough credit for your contributions to The Cookout and your master plan with the duos?

TM: In the house, I think people just wanted to stop talking about the master plan. They did not want to give it more life than it already had. And considering how Big D tried to tell me, like, less than two weeks ago that he’s the one that came up with the master plan, I don’t even know if it was my idea anymore. Did I get enough credit? I don’t know. We should ask Big D.

Us: Who would you have ultimately taken to the final two from The Cookout?

TM: I was dead serious about sitting in the final two with Hannah. I have so much respect for this young lady. Hannah is 21 – if she’s really 21 – but I believe she is. She has all of my respect. When I was 21, [I was] nowhere near close to who she is as a person. I fell in love with her. I promised not to move through this game with my emotions. She could have been playing me to the left and to the right. She had me a 100 percent, up until we sat on the block together. And then I was like, “Oh, OK. We’re going to be split up. I got to take somebody else if I stay.”

Us: Who do you want to see follow you out the door?

TM: Honestly, I would like to see Xavier, Kyland and Hannah in the house. Azah or Big D can follow me out in jury. Not that I want any one of them to go, but on a game level, as far as strategy, this is a game. I want a game player to win this game. I think Kyland, Hannah and Xavier have done a phenomenal job adding to The Cookout getting further with their game play.

Us: Would you ever play Big Brother again?

TM: Oh, I love this game, and I don’t feel like I was able to be my Evel Dick self that I wanted to come in here and be. However, I don’t even know what I would be without The Cookout. I don’t. I would love to know that. And, probably – I probably would play again.

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