Britons support sewage tax on water companies for cleaning up local rivers

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Three in four people support a “sewage tax” of 16 per cent on the £2.8billion raked in by water firms in a bid to create an emergency fund for cleaning up rivers.

The Liberal Democrats, who commissioned the poll, believe the policy could raise an estimated £340 million to clean up local rivers.

Ed Davey MP, who leads the party, said: “An environmental disaster is taking place in our towns, cities and villages, yet the Government shows no signs of taking action.

“Wildlife is being poisoned by disgusting and frankly dangerous sewage dumps, yet water companies are getting off the hook. 

“The whole thing stinks. This is one of the biggest environmental scandals facing Britain today. 

“Liberal Democrats believe water companies should pay for the mess they’ve made. It is not right that these firms are profiteering at the expense of our precious lakes and rivers.”

The proposal for a sewage tax is supported across the political spectrum with 82 per cent of Conservative and Labour voters backing the Sewage Tax,while 83 per cent of Liberal Democrat voters support it.

Just 189 people out of the 2,365 people polled (eight per cent) opposed the introduction of a sewage tax.

Thames Water, who made one of the highest operating profits last year at £488million, dumped more than two billion litres of raw sewage in the River Thames in just two days. 

The figures were in a report published by the Environmental Audit Committee on rivers’ water quality earlier this year.

Thames Water said any discharges of untreated sewage were “unacceptable”.

Anglian Water made £391million in operating profit last year while United Utilities made £602 million in operating profits. 

Mr Davey said: “Last year the Government initially refused to ban sewage dumps in rivers, then they let water companies carry on as normal by failing to set meaningful timescales and targets. The very least they could do now is to force water companies to clean up their mess. 

“Liberal Democrats believe water companies should pay for the mess they’ve made. It is not right that these firms are profiteering at the expense of our precious lakes and rivers.”


One of Britain’s worst environmental disasters in generations is unfolding before our eyes.

Right now, our precious rivers, chalk streams and coast lines are being pumped full of disgusting sewage.  Water companies are allowed to dump this sewage whenever and wherever they please, despite animals being poisoned and our children unable to enjoy treasured swimming spots.

I have been outraged at the Government’s response to this.

Last year, Conservative MPs voted against action to stop water companies dumping sewage in local rivers. Worst still, just two weeks ago, Conservative MPs blocked a Liberal Democrat proposal to safeguard animals against this harmful practice.

This is a national scandal. Government Ministers and water companies must no longer be able to get away with this.

That is why I am calling for water companies to be banned from dumping sewage in our waterways.  This vile practice should be made illegal once and for all.

And Government Ministers shouldn’t stop there. How can it be fair that the public should pay to clean up rivers after years of sewage dumping damage by water companies?

That is why I am also calling for a Sewage Tax on these companies. Last year, water companies, which we all fund, made a staggering £2.8bn in combined operating profits.

I say we tax these water companies to pay for cleaning up their mess.

Everyone must demand their MP takes action on this before we lose our rivers forever to polluting raw sewage. If not, I fear many more animals will be poisoned whilst water companies fill their pockets. 

  • Ed Davey is Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Source: Read Full Article

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