Ciara Has An Unexpected Collaborator For Her New Song 'Treat': Her Kids

Superstar singer and doting mom Ciara has teamed up with not only iconic Kellogg’s brand Rice Krispies Treats, but also her kiddos, Future and Sienna, to celebrate the togetherness of family.

The star created a new song for her campaign with the classic brand called “Treat,” and you can hear her eldest children singing on the upbeat, sweet track with her.

“I’m all about family and you guys know my babies mean the world to me. It made it even more fun. It made the process all the more the special,” she tells ESSENCE. “It was a very special moment, me and my family, my babies, being together. I know they’ll never forget the moment they got to sing a song with mommy.”

Courtesy of Rice Krispies Treats

And after wondering how the two would do in the studio, the “Level Up” singer was pleasantly surprised to find that they were naturals on the mic.

“Sometimes you don’t really know what your kids are going to be like in certain situations. They were so focused and committed,” she says. “It was just effortless for them. They really were having a good time.”

The kids also joined their mother in a TikTok clip to support the song, showing off their dance moves and having fun. Using the hashtag #ourtreat, fans of the singer (and of Rice Krispies Treats snacks) can join in on that fun, and the best clips will be a part of the upcoming “Treat” music video. But never fear, you don’t have to have moves like Ciara to make the cut.

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#ad #OurTreatEntry is a fam jam sesh. Show me yours for a chance to be in my music vid AND win @kelloggsricekrispies! Rules:

“This is about family fun. Don’t break nothin’ trying to break it down,” she jokes. “Just come in with the good vibes, good times, sing along and do whatever comes to you.”

And good vibes are really important to the mom of three, who carves out time in her busy schedule to prioritize special moments with her children. Outside of the studio, that can include doing everyday things like dropping them off and picking them up from school, taking them to their extracurricular activities, and playing with them in the backyard.

“Simple moments, they feed my soul,” she says. “I feel like I’m more complete when I’m able to be in the element of being a mom in the midst of me being a woman of ambition on a mission. I feel balanced when I get to do that. It not only feeds my soul but I know it feeds them. They can feel mommy even though my world moves really fast and it really doesn’t slow down.”

So getting to incorporate the kids into her work, through this campaign with Rice Krispies Treats, was special for the star. She got to see another side of them, performing like she does and having fun while doing so. When asked if that means she would be ok if they took a page out of her book and worked in the music industry when they grow up, she had some hesitancy, but said she would support them because her parents supported her years ago.

Courtesy of Rice Krispies Treats

“My parents allowed me to pursue my dream. I think about how important that was for me and obviously how helpful it was because it afforded me the opportunity to do what I still do to this day,” she says. “There’s no greater feeling than waking up doing what you love. When you do what you love you never work a day in your life. I think that for my babies, I want them to have the same feeling.”

“So if music is that [for them], I will support it,” she adds. “Now, I will tell you the industry I work in is not easy by any means, but it’s built for those that are built for it. So if they got it, then I would say go do it, and I’ll support them all the way.”

Check out the full conversation Ciara had with ESSENCE about her collaboration with Rice Krispies Treats above and check out the full track on YouTube and through Spotify.

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