Couple baffled by empty treat packets at their door catch cat thief in the act

Lauren Street, 26, and her boyfriend Patrick Garrity, 30, were pretty confused when they kept finding empty packets of cat treats and dog food dumped outside their front door.

But soon they figured out who was to blame: their very sneaky cat, Tivali, who had been stealing all manner of nibbles from the neighbours.

Patrick managed to catch the ginger cat in the act, filming the moment Tivali tiptoed along the couple’s window ledge with a full bag of Dreamies in his mouth.

He looked a bit embarrassed to be caught out, but not guilty in the slightest. Once the window was opened, he casually slipped into the house with his find.

The cat’s thievery isn’t too surprising – he has form.

Tivali has become a local celebrity thanks to his penchant for raiding strangers’ homes, having previously stolen such wonders as a dauphinoise potato.

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Lauren, from the Cotswolds, said: ‘We had started noticing treats outside. There would be empty treat bags by the door – Dreamies, Aldi treat packets even dog treats. You name it we’d had it.

‘In total Tiv must have stolen at least 10 bags, if not more. We were really unsure where he was getting them from so it was a mystery.

‘We spoke to a neighbour who confirmed that she was leaving treats out for the little girl next door to feed her cat and Tivali was stealing the full bags.

‘He was bringing them home to share with us.

‘Tivali comes home with lots of strange things, frogs are a big thing in our house. We have had lots of strange gifts. We once found a dauphinoise potato outside.

‘Both he and his dad Lynx are pretty famous in the village, lots of people stop and talk to them as they are so talkative.’

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