Couple get young boys to sign loan contract so they could buy PlayStation each

When it comes to parenting, each couple will have their own unique way of tackling their kids.

It could be that they give them curfews or make them earn their money through chores.

One mum has revealed how she and her husband made their sons, aged nine and 12, sign loan contracts.

The couple did it when they lent them money to buy new PlayStations and a TV.

Both boys Jordan and Tawera were desperate to buy a new console each at £210 and a TV for £32, but didn't have the money for it.

Mum Nicole Adams, from New Zealand, revealed it in an Instagram post.

She said: "After months of saving chores money, Christmas money and birthday money, both children's bank accounts are at £170.

"The first one is that we simply explain to them that they don't have enough, and to keep working hard saving until they have the correct amount.

"Or, we teach them about loans, loan repayments, credit ratings if paid on time without drama and the serious matter of added interest and even debt collection."

Nicole and her husband chose to buy the items, then to write up a loan contact to make them both sign it.

She continued: "At this stage the boys are in debt with the understanding that for the next x amount of weeks they will be doing their chores to pay off their loan repayments.

"We explained the further details about interests with loans but decided against including the interests in their contracts.

"Just last night Tawera sold his computer to our daughter Russia for £80 in order of paying off his loan faster and Jordan is considering selling his old PlayStation for the same reason.

"I absolutely love this for them. I feel as though growing up I personally knew nothing about things like this and my credit rating reflected this at the age of 19."

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The mum said that while she appreciates this parenting method, it might not work for everyone.

She and her husband are happy with the way they're preparing their kids for the real world and many were impressed.

One said: "This is so awesome 'cause I was never taught about loans and credit cards and all that stuff, I was just told don't do it. Well I did and now my credit score is f***ed 'cause no one taught me."

Another commented: "Yes yes yes! So so important to teach kids early about finances, budgeting and financial responsibilities, love this! Good job."

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