Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 3, 2023

Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 3, 2023

  • READ MORE: What are YOUR relationship ‘beige flags’ based on your star sign?

The first Ferris wheel opened 130 years ago. Imagine the excitement! The experience of being taken up to great heights to enjoy the view, and then bumping back down to earth again is a metaphor for life. 

Today’s Mercury-Saturn link invites us to see our limitations like the safety belts on modern-day rollercoasters. We’re passengers on this planet, and the ride provides us with new perspectives — and thrills to enjoy too.

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline. 


March 21 – April 20

As Shakespeare put it, ‘All the world’s a stage, and the men and women are merely players’. The question is do we handle our part with professionalism, dazzling our audiences, or treat it as a more amateur affair. No one wants to bungle their lines and miss cues. Yet none of us is perfect. And not being at the top of our game is merely a sign of a craft still in formation. It takes courage to learn a new skill/role. If you bring confidence to your task today, your performance will be top class. Make August a month to remember. The Full Moons bring potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5601.

‘Today’s Mercury-Saturn link invites us to see our limitations like the safety belts on modern-day rollercoasters,’ says Oscar (pictured)


April 21- May 21 

The problem is that you’re not sure how the land lies. And it’s hard to make progress when you’re looking backwards, over your shoulder, as well as trying to focus on the route ahead. You’re doing this for a reason. There’s a lot of energy around, and you don’t want to be shocked by anything jumping out at you when you’re not looking. If you keep moving forwards today, you’ll reach a place where you can see with better perspective. From there, you’ll know where to aim for (and what to protect yourself from). Welcome to August! Your powerful prediction for the month is ready. For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

Why are you putting yourself under pressure to do something you don’t want to do? Are you worried about what will happen if you don’t? Do you care so much for someone that you’re prepared to do it for them? Whatever it is, there must be a reason. If you can’t come up with a satisfactory answer, then think again. If you search for positive reasons, you’ll find your frustrations dissipate. While your ruler links with Saturn, there’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. In August, two Full Moons bring celestial creativity and reasons for hope. Take full advantage! Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

Why bother choosing to wear something colourful when life’s so grey and drab? What’s the point of positive thinking when everything’s gloomy? Why go to the effort of being happy until something happens that makes you sad? If you’re already feeling miserable, you’d save yourself the energy. Some people are happy to surrender to the inevitable. But we don’t know what the ‘inevitable’ is! Don’t be swayed by anyone’s negativity today. As you’re about to discover, you’ve got reasons to be hopeful. Get the bright clothes out! It’s August! For uplifting news on how the month’s Full Moons bring exciting opportunities, call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

Have you noticed the kind energy that’s reaching into your world? Venus, retrograde in your sign, is delicately affecting various people’s mindsets and feelings. And it’s encouraging you to explore a way to alter a tricky situation. If you’re sure you know what to do, you can ignore its quiet whispers and carry on along your path. But you might want to check what’s naturally unfolding first. Give yourself time to pause and digest the implications of a new development. It could be all you need. To hear about the changes you can implement in this Blue Moon month, call your August forecast: 0906 751 5605.

Oscar added: ‘We’re passengers on this planet, and the ride provides us with new perspectives — and thrills to enjoy too’ (stock photo)


August 24 – September 23

You are worried about an upcoming event. It might tip a delicate balance that has taken lots of energy to achieve. There’s a degree of structure in your world that feels reassuring. The mere thought of upheaval makes you want to cling tightly to what you’ve got, and ignore the opportunities coming your way. Yet as your ruler links with Saturn, the cosmos brings reassurance and consolidation. An offer of support gives you the encouragement to move onwards, trusting that what you’ve created is here to stay. August starts and ends with powerful Full Moons. For your light-shedding, hope-giving forecast, call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23 

Although you’re trying to ignore it, a worry is niggling at the back of your mind. Slowly, it’s starting to knock your confidence and stifle your creativity. Of course, it’s easy to forget that the only person with the power to unsettle you, is you. Which means you have the power to redress the part of you that’s tipping out of balance. And that will have an instant effect on what’s out of kilter. Today, you can find a way to change your response to a memory. It will make future happiness more likely. August can be a transformative month. Take advantage of the inspirational Full Moon energy. Call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

Humans are adaptable creatures. It doesn’t take us long to get used to things. Whether they’re good (or bad), we adapt to the world we’re living in. And the thought of implementing change makes us anxious. But nothing stays the same for ever. You’ve been waiting impatiently for the developments you’re encountering. Yet now that they’re here, you’re not sure how you feel about them. Be patient. Give yourself time to adjust. You’ll soon feel more confident about the direction life’s taking you. A new month! An action-packed astrological picture. A forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

The heat has been turned up on a situation that was quietly bubbling away on the backburner. There are questions you need answers for, people who need to be challenged and dreams that need to be fulfilled. Yet sometimes, life needs shaking up. And the repercussions . . . well you’ll be able to deal with them as and when they arise. There’s no time for thinking, or for doubts. If you’re confident, go for it. Keep your fingers crossed and do what you’ve got to do today. For exciting news about the potential delights in store for you this month, call your August forecast: 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

In theory you can’t get what you want. But what about in practice? If you believe that something’s impossible, then it is. You won’t even bother to try. But theories can be disproved. They’re relevant for a while. And then new insight is received, and the theory is replaced by an improved version. So rather than waste time trying to dissuade yourself from trying to fulfil a dream, trust your instincts. If there’s a glimmer of hope in your heart, you can at least try. You might be pleasantly surprised by what happens next. Make your dreams come true in August! Call your four-minute, in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5610.


January 21 –  February 19

Who doesn’t want to be paid for doing what they love? They say that if you enjoy your job, you never have to do a day’s work. But that’s not quite reality. All work has monotonous aspects. Repetitive routines might not thrill us, but they’re an essential part of daily maintenance. Teeth cleaning might not be scintillating, but no one gets their teeth extracted to avoid it. Just because something’s going slowly right now doesn’t mean you should give up. August is due to be amazing! For four minutes of news that could transform your life, pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20 

Oh the joy of having a creative idea and immediately actioning it. Yet more often than not, our great ideas take a while to come to fruition. And it’s not easy to stay motivated. If we start to doubt that our dream is achievable, we can lose the impetus to keep going — and then, of course, the chances of it becoming part of our reality decline. Are you being creative right now? Or are you chasing an important emotional goal? Or could it be both? Whichever (and whatever) it is, success is closer than you think. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, there’s great news in your August prediction. Call 0906 751 5612.

Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. To report a phone line problem, call 0800 138 9789. Go to cainer.com and join the 5 Star Service for personalised messages, audio, video, discounts on full readings, and more! 

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