DAN WOOTTON: Clarkson made a mistake, but cancelling him is chilling

DAN WOOTTON: Jeremy Clarkson made a mistake, but Amazon and ITV looking to cancel one of Britain’s favourite TV stars at the behest of Harry and Meghan is chilling. The woke warriors won’t stop till he’s destroyed

Whether or not you love the Sussexes and everything woke they stand for, and whether or not you despise the brash old school style of arch provocateur Jeremy Clarkson, anyone who believes in the importance of free expression should be terrified by the looming cancellation of the Grand Tour star.

Because, mark my words, at the behest of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Clarkson’s mainstream TV career is as good as finished.

Hollywood giant Amazon – drunk on the woke orthodoxy propagated by the Duke and Duchess of Delusion – has already made clear to their influential mates in the media that the plug is being pulled on Clarkson’s Farm and The Grand Tour once existing contractual commitments are fulfilled.

As a result, the chances of ITV standing by the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire host are about as slim as anyone winning the show’s seven-figure prize fund.

Mark my words, at the behest of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Clarkson’s mainstream TV career is as good as finished

Amazon – drunk on the woke orthodoxy propagated by the Duke and Duchess of Delusion – has already made clear to their influential mates in the media that the plug is being pulled on Clarkson’s Farm and The Grand Tour once existing contractual commitments are fulfilled

After all, the broadcaster’s leftie chief executive Carolyn McCall ended the Good Morning Britain career of Piers Morgan when he refused to apologise for calling Meghan a liar, following a direct complaint from the former Suits actress.

And the channel has already delayed the filming of Millionaire celebrity specials due this month and said they have no ‘commitments’ to further editions of the hit quiz show following the next, already-commissioned run.

No doubt an inoffensive ITV droid like Ben Shephard or Ranvir Singh will soon end up being drafted in as the next host.

In the meantime, Clarkson has been delivered a one-way ticket to Cancel Corner, joining Piers, Sharon Osbourne and any other hapless star of the mainstream media who dares to question proven compulsive liars Harry and Meghan.

Clarkson’s exclusion from the entertainment industry, even as he clings on to his newspaper columns, is a major victory for Harry and Meghan who are no longer hiding their desire to ‘change’ and ‘police’ the British media ‘devil’.

Despite issuing a public statement that wasn’t just grovelling, it was boot licking, the ‘Be Kind’ Sussexes refused to accept his apology.

Clarkson has been delivered a one-way ticket to Cancel Corner, joining Piers, Sharon Osbourne and any other hapless star of the mainstream media who dares to question proven compulsive liars Harry and Meghan

Indeed, they used it to further put the boot in, incorrectly claiming that he ‘spread hate rhetoric, dangerous conspiracy theories and misogyny’.

Let that be a lesson to King Charles and Prince William if they ever think a formal apology to the Sussexes would mark the end of their destructive campaign against the Royal Family.

And that’s why Clarkson should never have apologised.

Harry and Meghan aren’t looking for genuine reconciliation.

Spare, their Netflix reality series and numerous interviews make it clear they won’t stop until their enemies are destroyed.

If they’re empowered in this deranged campaign by pathetically PC media corporations now seemingly scared stiff of open debate, then they’re going to pick off their critics one by one.

And that’s why Clarkson should never have apologised. Harry and Meghan aren’t looking for genuine reconciliation

What’s most chilling is that many timid newspaper columnists, journalists, TV presenters and commentators across the globe have already heeded the warning of the Morgan, Osborne and Clarkson cases and now keep their mouths shut.

If this degree of cancellation can happen to some of Britain’s most popular and enduring TV stars, it can happen to anyone who questions the narrative.

Why risk an easy pay cheque and a nice life by reporting on the inconsistencies and falsehoods of the Sussexes? Better to keep schtum.

At this point, I should probably point out that I didn’t like Clarkson’s column and I have never been a regular viewer of Top Gear, The Grand Tour or his farming show (although many folk insist I’m missing out).

That said, even as a Game of Thrones refusenik, it was obvious the reference to Meghan being ‘made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain’ was a misguided attempt at humour.

That happens sometimes.

It was obvious the reference to Meghan being ‘made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain’ was a misguided attempt at humour

Surely people should be able to admit they’ve made a mistake and move on without the pitchfork waving woke mob trying to destroy their livelihood?

After all, Harry himself has been given that opportunity numerous times in his life, including after wearing a Nazi uniform to a dress up party and using the P-word to describe one of his army colleagues.

And his own book is packed full of misogyny, yet there are no demands for him to be hung, drawn and quartered.

He boasts about ‘tormenting’ his school matron Pat, who he didn’t fancy as a teenager, writing: ‘Pat wasn’t hot, she was cold.’

He describes the country’s most successful female newspaper editor as a ‘loathsome toad’, adding with his poisoned pen: ‘Everyone who knew her was in full agreement that she was an infected pustule on the arse of humanity, plus a s*** excuse for a journalist.’

And our Queen Camilla – his own stepmother – is dismissed as ‘dangerous’ in the tome, with Harry adding in a recent interview: ‘She was the villain.’

Sounds like the sort of exaggerated comments that might be made by someone like Clarkson!

But Harry’s hypocrisy is shrugged off by his allies, who approve of his efforts to purge the British media of anyone who doesn’t sign up to his hard left woke political agenda.

Harry himself has been given that opportunity numerous times in his life, including after wearing a Nazi uniform to a dress up party and using the P-word to describe one of his army colleagues

Usually those lefties would be equally mortified at one of the most privileged men in the world, a multi-millionaire born into the British Royal Family with connections and access mere mortals could only ever wish for, trying to control the Press and decide which high profile figures are given a media platform.

But, because Harry is a fellow woke warrior, any pretence of the imperative for journalists, broadcasters and newspaper columnists to express honest opinions without fear of being finished goes out the window.

Well shame on them all.

You can despise Clarkson’s column; you can tweet about it, refuse to read it and, heck, if you want to no longer watch his highly popular shows, either. Absolutely hold him to account.

But to deny the hundreds of millions of viewers and readers around the world who do love his TV presenting and writing access to Clarkson on a mainstream platform forever more is morally wrong.

Harry and Meghan like to pretend they’re media campaigners concerned about reforming the Press, but what they really want to do is cancel their critics, as if they’re Russian or North Korean dictators.

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