Dark story behind Incy Wincy Spider nursery rhyme will ruin your childhood

Incy Wincy Spider is a much loved nursey rhyme that many remember reciting as a child.

But it turns out that the eager arachnid wanting to climb a pipe and getting flushed away is actually not very kid friendly after all.

And now many people have said the dark meaning behind the verses have 'ruined' their childhood.

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Let's jig your memory with the lyrics, all together now!

“Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed poor Incy out.

“Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain. And Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.”

Nothing wrong with that, right?

Well, it turns out that the lyrics have a deeper meaning.

According to the Collins Dictionary the spout is actually a tornado “that forms a column of water and mist” in the middle of a cloud and the sea. Often the modern takes on the classic rhyme depict an outdoor pipe as the water spout instead.

Although a spider attempting to climb a water spout is believable, it is actually a metaphor.

TikTok user Jackie exposed the truth of the seemingly innocent song – and apparently it's to do with having one too many drinks.

The 'climbing up the water spout' hints at someone guzzling booze and the rain pouring down is a metaphor for having too much alcohol.

But what does the sunshine part point to?

Apparently, the rising sun indicates the next morning where the alcoholic is sober.

Not for long though as the song ends with the 'climbing up the spout again', which shows that they continue drinking the next day.

Still not convinced?

Jackie, who posts under the name @my_man_jackie, pointed out the spider song is a kid friendly alternative of 'Tipsy Dipsy Hobo'.

The tune is about drunks train hopping which was a big issue in the 1860s as many lost their lives by doing so.

Therefore, parents wanted to warn their children of the dangerous antics so conjured up the brutal rhyme, that goes:

“The Tipsy Dipsy Hobo drinks from the lager spout. Here comes the train, it knocks the hobo out.

“Out comes a man to pick up all the brains. But a Tipsy Dipsy Hobo drinks from the spout again.”

Obviously many people were gobsmacked about the revelation, so took to the comments to share their horror.

One person commented: "Okay I thought it was a spider getting lost."

Another user gasped: "Will now stop singing this at work."

While a third mocked: "Keep this series away from English teachers."

Someone else fretted: "Help! I sing this to my baby cousin. "


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