Dramatic dog gives owner VERY frosty treatment after being neutered

What have you done to me? Dramatic dog gives his owner VERY frosty treatment after being neutered

  • Two-year-old dog Chance looked utterly betrayed after his neutering operation 
  • Katherine Kennedy from Ramsey, Minnesota, says that he also kept howling 
  • A viral TikTok documenting the pup’s reaction has more than 15.8 million views 
  • READ MORE: Therapist reveals her number one parenting tip inspired by dogs – but you have to start young and quit once they become teens

A newly-neutered dog let his owner know exactly how he felt about her choice to undergo with the routine procedure with dramatic glares and constant howling. 

Two-year-old Australian heeler Chance appeared more than miffed when he lost his delicate parts, shooting Katherine Kennedy from Minnesota major stink eye in the aftermath.

He wouldn’t walk or pee when picked up post-op in October, instead choosing to lay still on a snowy path to ice his injuries.

A viral TikTok of the pup’s reaction has racked up more than 15.8 million views, with commenters rushing to offer Chance their sympathy – and remarking that he appeared to be experiencing ‘war flashbacks’.

‘He kept howling in the kennel,’ Katherine, 27, revealed. ‘The car ride home! He looked shocked the whole time.’

The owner, from Ramsey, Minnesota, said the worn and wounded Chance also ‘absolutely hated the onesie she had on him instead of his cone’.

‘He wouldn’t move when that was on,’ she remarked.

Footage of the car ride home shows Chance sitting in the passenger seat in a state of shock, giving Katherine a withering death stare.

A newly-neutered dog let his owner know exactly how he felt about her choice to undergo with the routine procedure with dramatic glares

Two-year-old Australian heeler Chance (pictured) appeared more than miffed when he lost his delicate parts, shooting Katherine Kennedy major stink eye in the aftermath

Katherine admitted that the pup kept up the icy act for around three days, shooting her dirty looks tinged with betrayal.

The viral video left social media in hysterics, as well-wishers found Chance’s theatrics hilarious.

‘Looks like he was having war flash backs,’ one poster joked.

”I think I’m missing something but what could it be?’,’ another quipped.

A viral TikTok of the pup’s reaction has racked up more than 15.8 million views, with commenters rushing to offer Chance their sympathy

Chance (pictured left and right) wouldn’t walk or pee when picked up post-op in October, instead choosing to lay still on a snowy path to ice his injuries

Katherine admitted that the pup kept up the icy act for around three days, shooting her dirty looks tinged with betrayal

A third added: ‘He was hearing colors and seeing sounds!’

Others also shared similar stories with their own pets.

‘My husband’s female chocolate Lab did that after her spay, too,’ one dog lover explained. ‘Vet tech said, “Oh, thank God you’re here.” When I picked her up.’

Another owner recalled that their dog was ‘traumatized’ after the operation.

Elsewhere, one commenter said: ‘Dropped our dog off to get neutered. “Pick him up at 6p.” [sic] 3 hours later, “ma’am, he’s singing the song of his people non-stop come get him.”‘


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