Evan Rachel Wood says Marilyn Manson beat her with Nazi whip

Evan Rachel Wood claims ex Marilyn Manson tied her up, shocked her genitals with a BDSM sex toy, made her drink his blood, and beat her with a Nazi whip from the Holocaust after she tried to leave him

  • Wood, 34, makes shocking allegations about the abuse that she suffered at the hands of Manson in the new documentary ‘Phoenix Rising’
  • She said that when she and Manson, real name Brian Warner, once broke up, he harassed her with phone calls until she came over
  • At his house, he tied her to a kneeler bench and whipped her repeatedly with a Nazi whip from the Holocaust
  • He used a Violent Wand to electrically shock her welts and her genitals, which was so painful she jerked and broke the kneeler
  • To make him stop, she begged for his forgiveness, which is when he made her drink his blood, and he drank hers
  • Wood also acssues Manson of drugging her, raping her repeatedly, hacking her email and social media, and using ‘military’ tactics to break her
  • Manson has denied her claims and has filed suit, claiming defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress

Evan Rachel Wood has described in horrific detail how her ex-boyfriend Marilyn Manson allegedly tied her up, beat her with a Nazi whip, and electrically shock her genitals when she tried to break up with him.

Wood, 34, has made shocking allegations about the abuse that she suffered at the hands of Manson, real name Brian Warner, since she first named him as her alleged abuser last year.

The actress has now gone into extensive detail in Amy Berg’s new two-part documentary, ‘Phoenix Rising,’ which premiered on HBO this week. Manson has repeatedly denied the allegations made by Wood in the documentary, and has filed suit against the actress over the ‘malicious falsehood’ of the abuse allegations she has made against him.

In addition to recounting how he repeatedly drugged her and raped her while isolating her from her family and friends, Wood — who was just 18 when she began dating a 37-year-old Manson — reveals the violence he inflicted on her when she tried to leave him.

Through deep breaths and painful pauses, she recounts how he tied her to a kneeler bench, whipped her with a Nazi whip from the Holocaust, and shocked her welts and genitals with electricity until she begged him for forgiveness to make him stop — which is when he made her drink his blood.

In the new documentary ‘Phoenix Rising’, Evan Rachel Wood describes how her ex-boyfriend Marilyn Manson allegedly tied her up, beat her, and electrically shock her

In an emotional moment, she recalls that when they were broken up, he lured her over and beat her with a Nazi whip and applied electric shocks to her genitals

Wood was just 18 when she began dating a 37-year-old Manson (pictured in 2007)

Wood bravely shares the details of the violent incident with other victims in a scene in Part 2 of the new documentary. Manson has publicly denied her claims.

‘We had broken up, and he was calling me and calling me and calling me and I was trying to defuse it,’ she says.

She reaclls going to his house, where he brought her to his bedroom — which is where she saw a kneeler bench, like one used for praying in church, set up in the middle of the room.

‘And I just knew. I just knew what was gonna happen,’ she says.

‘After he tied me up, and hit me over and over and over again with a whip. Which was a Nazi whip from the Holocaust, with a swatstika on it. Because I’m Jewish.

‘And he said he was gonna hit me in the same place over and over again so that it would really hurt. And then he shocked me with the Violet Wand on the welts.’

A Violent Wand produces low-current, high-voltage electricity. Used in BDSM, the electricity is applied to the body, producing painful shocks. 

‘He shocked my private parts and it hurt so bad that I broke the kneeler in half. I jerked so hard that I broke the kneeler. And collapsed in just like a pool of tears in his arms.

‘And I remember thinking in that moment, just tell him whatever he wants to hear. Just tell him whatever he wants to hear, and I said, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” and I was begging for forgiveness, and he was cradling me and saying, “You understand now.”‘

He then cut open the skin on his hand and made her drink his blood, before cutting her and drinking her blood.

‘I’m still me and I’m still here, but there was a piece of me absolutely taken. I felt it leave my body, I felt my brain change,’ she says. ‘And the world is never the same. Because everything that happens to you after that point is through the veil of this memory.’

The violence wasn’t new — and neither was his fascination with Nazis.

Wood says that Mansion’s antisemitism and racism started out as ‘ironic,’ and he would insist it was a ‘commentary on the Nazis’ or that he was ‘taking the p***’ out of the Nazis.’ 

‘And then it turns into, “I’m just being shocking, using the n-word. You don’t get the joke,”‘ she says.

‘Then that evolved into, “I’m gonna get mad at you if you don’t laugh at this joke,” [and then] “I don’t trust you if you don’t make the same joke.”  

She says that at one point, he carved her initial into his skin and she carved his ‘right next to my vagina to show him that I belonged to him’

‘And then I felt like I had to participate to prove I was loyal. That’s what kept me from coming out for a really long time, just feeling Iike I was a horrible person, and I was disgusting, and there was something wrong with me, and I was crazy.’ 

When they lived together, she says Manson filled their home with Nazi propaganda. 

‘At one point, over the side of the bed where I slept, he wrote “kill all the Jews” on our bedroom wall,’ she says.

He also told her that Hitler was ‘the first rock star because Hitler was stylish, he was well spoken, and he knew how to manipulate the masses.’  

She says he made fun of her for being Jewish, and also made fun of her when she got upset about his antisemitism. 

Wood has spoken a bit about this before, and wrote on Instagram early last year how the ‘he would draw swastikas over my bedside table when he was mad at me.’

‘Because [my mom] converted and wasn’t of Jewish decent [sic] he would say things like, “thats better” because I wasn’t “blood Jewish,”‘ she said at the time.

Wood previously spoke out about the tattoo he got during their relationship, which has four Ms in the shape of a swastika (pictured) 

‘At one point, over the side of the bed where I slept, he wrote “kill all the Jews” on our bedroom wall,’ she said

On Instagram, she talked about ‘humiliation’ and ‘blackmail’ and how she was given ‘large amounts of drugs and alcohol’ when she was under 21

She also revealed that during the course of their relationship, he got new tattoos, including a swastika on his chest and a skull and bones on his arm that looks like a Totenkopf, another Nazi symbol. 

There are several other sickening allegations in the documentary, including that Manson drugged her and raped her on several occasions.

The first instance came when agreed to be in his music video for ‘Heart-Shaped Glasses,’ but things did not go as expected.  

‘We had discussed a simulated sex scene, but once the cameras were rolling, he started penetrating me for real. I had never agreed to that,’ she says.

‘I’m a professional actress, I have been doing this my whole life, I’d never been on a set that unprofessional in my life up until this day. It was complete chaos, and I did not feel safe. No one was looking after me.

‘It was a really traumatizing experience filming the video. I didn’t know how to advocate for myself or know how to say no because I had been conditioned and trained to never talk back — to just soldier through. 

‘I felt disgusting and like I had done something shameful, and I could tell that the crew was very uncomfortable and nobody knew what to do. I was coerced into a commercial sex act under false pretenses. 

Woods also reveals that when she was 19, Manson allegedly raped her on camera in front of other people while making the 2007 music video ‘Heart-Shaped Glasses’

‘That’s when the first crime was committed against me and I was essentially raped on camera,’ she continues, adding that it was ‘just the beginning of the violence that would keep escalating over the course of the relationship.’ 

Wood also accuses Manson of drugging her with meth and sleeping pills during their relationship — and says he would use it as an opportunity to rape her while she was unconscious.

‘I didn’t know what meth was, I didn’t know I was doing meth,’ she says, adding that she’d be covered in scars from picking her skin.

She also grew sick, throwing up every day and having trouble getting out of bed.

‘This is also when he started raping me in my sleep,’ she says.

‘He would give me a pill to go to sleep, and I never knew what the pill was for. So I was always pretty out of it. So I’d wake up, I just remember doing the mental math quickly and thinking, “Just stay, just stay asleep, don’t move, just don’t move.” 

‘So I would just lie limp and still until it was over, and then I swear to God, he would just fling my leg and walk out of the room.’

Later, he would give her sleeping pills and drug her with meth, and would then rape her in her sleep (pictured together in 2007)

Wood, who was in her early 20s at the time of the abortion, says that they weren’t using any reliable form of birth control because Manson didn’t want to.  

She was filming the 2011 miniseries ‘Mildred Pierce’ (pictured) when she terminated a pregnancy, and Manson flew in to be there for it

‘From the beginning of our relationship, he always had an issue with whatever birth control I was using — and I went through, like, every type to see which one he liked, and he didn’t like any of them, so essentially he didn’t want me using birth control,’ she says.

‘He refused to wear a condom, ever, and it was very much sex on demand and it was gonna cause more problems if I say no,’ she says. 

Eventually, she got pregnant. She says that he flew in to where she was filming the 2011 miniseries ‘Mildred Pierce’ to be there for the abortion, but he was far from caring or supportive. 

‘The second it was over it was like, “Make me dinner,” she says.  

‘And I remember being like, “I’m supposed to be resting — my body has gone through this trauma … I’m bleeding, there’s aftermath here.” And he didn’t care.’

Women are supposed to rest for the rest of the day after an abortion, in part because of bleeding and cramping. 

Wood says the ordeal left her suicidal, and she later tried to kill herself.

After her abortion, though she was supposed to be resting and recovering, he demanded she cook for him

She says he also decorated their home with Nazi propaganda, knowing she is Jewish (pictured in 2007)

‘I went into the bathroom and I took [a] glass and I shattered it on the floor and just started digging at my wrists as hard as I could,’ she says.

Wood says that Manson’s abuse wasn’t fast and immediate, but rather, he broke her down over time — starting by targeting her as a lost and insecure teenager, when he was two decades her senior. 

‘I didn’t know where to go, so I was the perfect candidate for somebody to pop up and say, “Come with me,”‘ she says.

The pair met in 2006 when she was just 18 and he 37. At the time, Manson was married to Dita von Teese, and Wood had a boyfriend — but Manson struck up a conversation with her and shared an interest in working with her.  

It was under the guise of this professional relationship — Manson told Wood he wanted her to be in a film he was working on — that she went to his house one night and they drank absinthe. 

She recalls how he suddenly kissed her, that he ‘stuck his tongue down my throat… Everything went white and I just didn’t know how to respond.’

Things escalated, and ‘it ended with him on top of me and then it was over and I felt really weird and very icky. I wasn’t even really attracted to him.’ 

Wood says that Manson’s abuse wasn’t fast and immediate, but rather, he broke her down over time 

But the two did end up dating. Early on, she said, there were hints of his abusive behavior, though he was different with her.

‘In the beginning, it wasn’t directed at me but I saw how he treated people around him,’ she says. ‘But I’m 18. And I’m going, “Well, he’s just a really eccentric artist, and he’s just a really complicated person,” and they would send me in to go calm him down.

It wasn’t long, she says, that he started ‘monitoring’ her.

‘Manson had hacked into my emails. He was watching me, and he had people watching me … under the guide of,  “This is for your own good,” she says, adding that he also hacked into her social media accounts. 

‘He was monitoring my every move. I couldn’t reach out to anybody do say, “I need help.” Cause if he caught me doing that, then it would be two days getting yelled at, pleading my case, trying to talk him off the ledge. He just knew how to break you down. 

She says he used ‘military’ tactics to break her will, like sleep deprivation and extreme temperatures.

He would also give her odd compliments attached to insults and threats of violence, like ‘you’re so important to me I want to kick you.’  

Woods first discussed abused in 2016 but didn’t name her alleged abuser until last year with this statement 

He’s say other odd things, like ‘I’m your vampire,’ ‘You are the blood in my heart’ and ‘I want to stay with you forever.’

Over time, she says, he isolated her from her friends and family.

The abuse escalated, and at one point, Wood says they each carved the other’s initials into themselves. 

‘Scarification and branding was part of it,’ she says. ‘He carved an E [into his skin] and I carved an M … as a way to show ownership and loyalty. And I carved it right next to my vagina to show him that I belonged to him.’

Manson has repeatedly denied the allegations made by Wood in the documentary, and has filed suit against the actress over the ‘malicious falsehood’ of the abuse allegations she has made against him.

The lawsuit, which claims defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress, says Wood publicly cast Manson ‘as a rapist and abuser — a malicious falsehood that has derailed Warner’s successful music, TV, and film career.’

Manson has denied her claims and has filed suit, claiming defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress

The suit accuses Wood and her ‘on-again, off-again romantic partner’ artist Illma Gore, real name Ashley Gore, of impersonating an FBI agent to distribute a forged letter to ‘create the false appearance’ that Manson’s alleged victims and their families were in danger. 

It alleges they provided checklists and scripts to prospective accusers, describing claims to make and how to make them.

It also alleges the women hacked Manson’s email, phone and social media accounts, created a phony email to manufacture evidence that he was emailing illegal pornography, and ‘swatted’ him, using a prank call to send authorities to his home and draw further attention to the allegations.

The suit says that Wood had only glowing things to say about Manson during their relationship, and she said nothing of his abusing her for 10 years until she met Gore, an artist whom the lawsuit describes as Wood’s on-again, off-again romantic partner. 

In a statement issued to DailyMail.com on March 7, the singer’s lawyer Howard King once again denied Wood’s claims, stating:  ‘As we detailed in our lawsuit, nothing that Evan Rachel Wood, Illma Gore or their hand-picked co-conspirators have said on this matter can be trusted. This is just more of the same. 

‘But, then again, what else would you expect from a group who have spread falsehood after falsehood about Brian and even went as far as to forge an FBI letter to further their phony claims.

DailyMail.com has contacted Manson’s lawyers for further comment. 

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