Despite soaring temperatures abroad in many places, Brits have been hit with a recent heavy downpour of rain – meaning drivers are faced with slippery roads and curb-side pools of water.
With this causing an increase in the risk of aquaplaning on the road, experts from Prestone have given UK drivers ways they can stay safe when they're on the road.
Whatever speed you’re travelling, aquaplaning is bad news. It happens when standing water gets trapped between your tyre and the road surface, with the tread unable to displace it fast enough and ultimately resulting in a terrifying loss of traction.
While it’s impossible to avoid aquaplaning altogether, particularly during spells of very heavy rainfall, there are steps you can take to try to prevent it including…
1. Check the tread depth of your tyres regularly
Aquaplaning is more likely to happen if your tyres are worn, so check the treads (this can be easily done by placing a 20p piece in the tyre tread, and making sure the tyre covers the outer band of the coin) and replace them when necessary.
2. Steady up
When you’re driving on a very wet road, it’s common sense to slow up. Not only will this give you greater stopping time, but it’ll reduce the likelihood of aquaplaning to boot.
3. Don’t slam on the brakes
If you feel your car aquaplaning, never slam on the brakes. Instead, gently lift your foot off the accelerator while keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel until your car regains traction.
4. Follow ‘tracks’ in the road
If you’re following other cars, try to drive in their tramlines. Since they’ve already displaced standing water ahead of you, this makes it less likely to hit pools of water yourself, thus reducing the risk of aquaplaning.
5. Avoid puddles where you can
Although you should never swerve dangerously to avoid puddles, do so when you can. Even the smallest pools of water can cause aquaplaning, so reduce your speed to anticipate and avoid puddles where possible.”
With the Met Office claiming Britain is set to battle brutal downpours today (July 27th), it's worth putting these measures into action immediately.
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