Healthy breakfast smoothie could help kickstart better eating habits in the New Year

Stylish Spoon chef shares top recipes for healthy eating during the New Year

Chef and president of Stylish Spoon, Ilana Eck, joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to share her favorite recipes ahead of the New Year.

None of us needs to wait until the New Year of 2022 to begin practicing better and healthier eating habits — and a certain breakfast smoothie that we can easily prepare now in our own kitchens now may just be the answer to kickstarting smart, body-boosting habits.

During an appearance on Sunday morning on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” chef Ilana Eck of New York City’s Stylish Spoon shared tips for blending a smoothie using delicious and healthful ingredients that include fruit (fresh or frozen), grated ginger, and more. 

For a “great immune-boosting, mood-boosting smoothie,” she suggests blending almond milk, spinach, pineapple, grated ginger, flaxseed meal, and bananas — then topping it all off in a bowl with a variety of healthy choices that include pomegranate seeds, even elderberry syrup. 

It’s a recipe, she said, that her own daughter came up with as a birthday gift to her.

A fresh, ripe banana — or frozen bananas, according to Stylish Spoon — can go right into a healthy morning smoothie to help boost immunity and mood.
(iStock, File)

Stylish Spoon on its website explains that it “obsessively source[s] the best ingredients to create each of our baked goods.”

Then, it adds, “we prepare these superfood ingredients in the most delicious and most nutritious ways, so you can eat good and feel good while enjoying your favorite treats.”

Eck says on her website that she was “inspired to create healthy treats like the ones my mom, Renée, used to make for me growing up. My mom was an excellent baker, and I spent many hours in the kitchen under her feet watching her bake whole-grain muffins and quick breads she sweetened naturally using honey, maple syrup, molasses, homemade apple sauce, or dates.”

Pineapple is a key ingredient in a delicious morning smoothie that can help kickstart healthier eating habits as a New Year beckons. (File)

Among its most popular recipes today, says Stylish Spoon, are a low-fat crustless spinach quiche; lemony kale quinoa spaghetti; and 10-minute baked pesto shrimp.

Eck notes that a gluten-free diet has been extremely beneficial for her after she suffered stomach issues for many years. 

She completely changed her eating habits, she says on her website.

Eck also says, “I don’t make anything that I wouldn’t put in my body or feed my kids — only wholesome ingredients you can trust.”

For more about making a delicious morning smoothie, check out the video at the top of this article, or click here to access it.

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