Here's What World-Famous Astrologer Susan Miller Predicts for Your Sign In 2022

The last two years have been a doozy, to say the least, so we couldn't be more ready to start looking towards 2022. But it's only natural to feel a bit wary given the amount of hope we had at the start of 2020 and 2021…. only to have it shattered by pandemics, stressful elections, insurrections, and violence.

So we're turning to the world's most famous astrologer and the founder of Astrology Zone, Susan Miller, to give us a glimpse into what we can expect in 2022. You may recall that earlier this month, InStyle teamed up with the Miller to develop four perfectly-curated beauty boxes based on your elemental sign — earth, air, fire, and water.

If you haven't ordered your Cosmic Collection Box yet (what are you waiting for?) they come with a special, exclusive 52-page booklet from Susan Miller that will lay the blueprint for your year ahead. The famed astrology expert goes into great depth about what each sign can expect in 2022 from start to finish. You'll have to purchase your box to get the whole prediction, but we'll give you a little sneak peek of the 2022 horoscopes for each sign here.

The Cosmic Collection is available now for $35 each at while supplies last.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You may work on an important new project that involves writing, publicity, marketing, or coding, building an app, or redoing your website. The stakes will be high but Jupiter (the planet of luck) will see to it that you sharpen your skills and negotiate well, too. Some lucky dates for you include February 4, when Mars is sextile to Jupiter, denoting the opportunity to put a plan into action with the expectation of a profitable return and September 25, when the new moon in your prestigious tenth house of fame and honors could bring a professional offer that you'll find too good to pass up.

Your love life will also sparkle brightly in the first quarter of the year. Venus and Mars, the two planets of love, will meet twice in 2022. The first time is on February 16, when they conjoin in Capricorn, sending your magnetism sky high. This is fantastic for your romantic life, so look your best! Uranus, planet of unexpected developments, will be in Taurus, your fifth house of true love, sending a love note to Jupiter in Pisces, your third house of promises, communication, and travel, on February 17. Valentine's Day may come late for you, but you won't mind! Whatever happens will come out of the blue, and I believe it will be news you'll want to receive.

In summary, 2022 has the potential to be a major year for you. You can make a difference to the world, dear Capricorn. The universe is listening.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Be excited because 2022 is a lyrical, beautiful year with many rewards in store. Under Saturn's tutelage, you are being asked to tackle something new that takes concentration and commitment: it could be getting married, having a baby, starting a business, buying your first house, or starting graduate school. A few years ago you might not have been ready to tackle the commitment you are making now, but Saturn (which rules the concept of time) has made you ready.

March and April should be spectacular for your love life thanks to Mars touring your sign for a confidence boost from March 5 to April 14. Venus brings charm and charisma to the same territory starting on the same day, March 5, for a month. This is remarkable, as it also falls on the luckiest day of the year! March 5 could set off a brilliant spark of love between you and someone new, or if you are attached, to rekindle things to bring back the kind of passion you enjoyed when you first met.

What an incredibly positive year you have ahead, dear Aquarius! You are about to enter a fabulously generous financial period, possibly the best you have ever seen. You will have opportunities to travel, to find solutions to home and family questions, and negotiate lucrative contracts. You also will have a chance to experience love and romance in the second half, straight into early 2023.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This will be a landmark year for you, one you will forever remember as filled with happiness, thanks to a plethora of aspects bolstering your chances to succeed in every area of your life.

You are on the cusp of entering the best financial year in the decade — possibly of your entire life. Now comes too many career opportunities to take all at once, so you will have to be choosy about what you accept, or run the risk of spreading yourself too thin. The ventures you enter into this year will likely pay dividends to you for the coming decade, if not longer. Even your health will improve, and by year's end, you will feel stronger than when you started.

Your very best day to find love, or to buy new things to wear, will be April 30, for on that day, Jupiter and Venus will meet for the first time in your sign in a decade. If you are attached, you will slow down and concentrate on each other—giving your full attention to someone is one of the most heartfelt gifts you can give.

You have quite a sparkling year in 2022, dear Pisces. While your personal life and goals will take center stage, you will do incredibly well in your career too, and your income will reflect your rising status.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

After a tough couple of years for Aries, 2022 represents a time of expansion and optimism. Jupiter only comes 'round every 12 years, so you are starting a new and vital chapter in your life, affecting many areas. You will meet high-level people and make superb new contacts, including, possibly, a romantic interest that could be one you've long sought but wondered if you'd ever find. If you are single, take seriously those you meet now, even if you are not completely besotted on the first meeting. Jupiter in your own sign is considered the very best aspect possible to have to find true and lasting love.

Sometimes Saturn represents the arrival of a mentor: Among the new friends you'll make in
2022, you may meet someone older and more experienced in your field who is willing to help advance your career. It won't be what you know, but who you know that will matter more in the coming year, when career contacts could make or break your progress.

When the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, leaves Aries on May 16, 2023, Jupiter will move on to Taurus and will give you a fantastic year for your finances in 2023. So much of the money you see in 2023 will be seeded by you in 2022 — that's when your seedlings will come up in your garden, in the second gestation of the cycle — the harvest. You are quite a lucky little Ram!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

In the first three quarters of 2022, your chart is very energized in a way you've rarely
experienced. Each planet appears to be giving you the confidence to find and develop opportunities rather than sit back and wait. The best part is early on, from February through August. Then the rest of the year will be spent tweaking assumptions and fixing flaws from September through early January 2023.

As you start 2022, Jupiter has moved into Pisces, and that's good news for you, bringing profits from work done the year before, particularly if you are self-employed. Jupiter in Pisces will greatly expand your circle of friends, contacts, and colleagues. And as the natural ruler of your solar eighth house of other people's money, these new friends and contacts will have a direct bearing on your ability to make money. For your very best chance to meet someone new, watch the new moon of August 27 in Virgo.

Fortunate Jupiter, by then, will be in your twelfth house of hidden matters, so a blind date may work out — if the pandemic is still a factor, it may happen online, but no matter. Your year will be filled with opportunity and change. Change can be good — even you will agree — for you are moving
to an exciting new place in your career, and also in regard to a love or business relationship. You will be surrounded with many new and fascinating people who will be pouring into your life at a rapid rate. Friends will look out for you this year in ways you've rarely seen, giving new meaning to the phrase, "Your friends are the family you make for yourself." Among the new friends you make, if you are single, one may become a serious romantic interest. It's a big year! Be ready!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The coming year will be one of the best years for your career in over a decade, with a cornucopia of professional opportunities you only used to dream about. The best months for professional progress will be when Jupiter tours Pisces from December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022 — especially the new moon in Pisces on March 2 — and then again from October 27 to December 20.

Jupiter will still be in Pisces in your tenth house when Mars will pop in from April 14 to May 24, with your very best period up to May 10. While those early months, March, April, and May, will be best for enviable publicity or to launch new business ventures, the money from these efforts will flow in the later months of the year.

2022 is a big career year for you, and matters of the heart will necessarily take a back seat. You will still be able to fit in some happy romantic episodes, however, so don't be blue. Once Jupiter moves into Aries, May 10 to October 27, you will have much more time for love and an enriched personal life and may realize a dream you've long wanted to achieve.

This will be a fast-paced year. You will feel at times like you've had too much coffee, so build in breaks to unwind with friends over weekends or for dinner. You are moving up in the world dear Gemini, and there's no stopping you now. Get your outfits ready.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You have a very happy year ahead. For the first time in 12 years, fortunate Jupiter will be in Pisces, a water sign that blends perfectly with yours. Pisces is your ninth solar house of foreign people and places, publishing, and higher learning. If you had delayed attending college or graduate school, possibly due to the limited virtual learning of the pandemic, make your application now, before May 10, or from November 23 to December 20, when Jupiter comes back into Pisces after a retrograde.

Jupiter will also be "trine" the Sun — a heavenly aspect, one of the best possible you could hope for — boosting your health, optimism, and romantic allure. The very best moment for your career comes on the Aries new moon on March 31, in your tenth house of career progress and prestige. New moons open a portal of energy that lasts for weeks but is the strongest in the days following the event. If you are interested in getting an impressive promotion or a new position elsewhere, plan to interview right after that new moon, though you will be a force of nature all the way through July 4.

Venus will enter your sign on July 17 to remain until August 11. This is the time to socialize, buy new clothes, and find ways to improve your appearance. After you have some new things, step out—
you will be dripping with charm, and few will be able to resist you. If you have a partner, plan
a little holiday away and bring your children, too. As a Cancer, you are happiest when enveloped in the warmth of family with the happy sound of children laughing. You have quite a year in store!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The coming year could bring a financial bonanza. In 2022, Jupiter will be in Pisces, your eighth
house of other people's money, from December 29, 2021, to May 10, 2022 — the first time in 12
years — so the odds for raking it in are stacked in your favor. This is especially true in the weeks
after the new moon of March 2, marking an especially pivotal month for financial gains.

When it comes to romance, you will sparkle brightly starting on the gorgeous new moon on November 23, in your fifth house of true love, and for weeks after, just in time for holiday gatherings. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be gathered there, while Mars will be in Gemini, in your eleventh house of friends, growing in influence all through January, 2023. To say you'll have an active social life is an understatement.

This year, Leo, it feels like you've turned a corner. Financially you will do well, with potentially thrilling career breakthroughs. The warmth of friendships will surround you, and Cupid may send his little fleet of angels to you in August and September and again as you get closer to Christmastime. Are you excited yet? You should be!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The past two years may have brought painful shifts in your life due to the pandemic, but the worst appears to be over. As you enter 2022, with your Virgoan tendency to heed the advice of health authorities, you are feeling more secure.

If you have been dating seriously, you may want to get engaged or marry while Jupiter tours Pisces from December 28, 2021, to May 10, 2022, and then again when Jupiter returns to Pisces from October 27 to December 20. The timing will be right for both you and your partner to make a commitment. If you are already wed, you will find your partner does very well in 2022, and as a result, you will have more options together, to buy a house, take a memorable vacation, or have a baby. The money you need will arrive just when you need it. If you are single, you will do best when Mars tours Capricorn, your house of true love, from January 24, to March 5. That would be your best time to meet someone new.

You have a big, happy year in store, with a possible commitment in love, a chance to scale
great heights in your career, a generous amount of money pouring in, and improved work
methods that make you more efficient and more productive. In the second half of 2022, plenty of energy will be directed to your evolving, rising career, especially in September. Kick up your heels, you deserve this!

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Something special is happening in 2022. Neptune will meet with Jupiter in Pisces on April 12 for the only time in your lifetime. Pisces corresponds to your work-a-day sector, adding grace and beauty to any professional project.

In 2022, Jupiter also spends time in Aries, from May 10 to October 27, 2022, and then again at year's end, from December 20 into next year, May 16, 2023. In your house of marriage and other serious partnerships and collaborations, Jupiter brings a glow. Your partner will be the one most likely to push the relationship forward and urge you to make a commitment. If you have been dating and are in love, you are likely to get engaged, or even wed.

Overall, you have a good year ahead. There will be a lovely time in February and March for fun and love and for meeting that special someone if single. You can have fun then too, if attached. On March 6, Mars and Venus will conjoin in Aquarius, your house of true love — a day that should certainly set off the sparks of great chemistry between you and someone special. Assignments will flow in at a steady pace, and you will be needed. If you lost your job during the pandemic, you can find plenty of work if you look, and if you are working for an employer, you will feel yourself a valued
member of the team. No doubt about it, there is plenty of room for progress this year. That's something to celebrate!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

For a long time now, you've been focused on your career, but last year you began to gently shift your emphasis to bring greater balance to your being. Now you are entering a heavenly, soft, and lyrical year, one that represents a noticeable change. With benefic, lucky Jupiter entering Pisces, your solar fifth house, from December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022, and again at the end of the year, you will enjoy one of the most glorious years of your life for romance, fun, creative expression and children.

Absolutely nothing will beat the happiness you'll feel in March. The luckiest day of the year is on March 5, when Jupiter conjuncts the mighty Sun. This only happens once a year, and it will be 12 years until it happens again in your fifth house of true love. As great as this day is for your love life, it will be hard to beat financially, too. You are due for a lovely uptick to your regular salary. This area also rules your personal savings and possessions, and if you are artistic, the fifth house represents creativity, too. Present your work on this day or the days leading to it.

As you get to year's end, as said earlier, Jupiter will be back to your glittering place, Pisces, from October 27 to December 20, just in time to enjoy the warmth of family and friends at intimate holiday gatherings, and breathtaking romance. Your very best period for romance will be when Jupiter is out of retrograde, November 23 to December 20. Though it has some ups and downs, you have a grand year in store!

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

The year ahead will have a bright new quality to it. Joining clubs and classes may also be part of your plan this year, or you may get more involved in social media, growing your message, friends and contacts. Saturn will remain in the futuristic, group-oriented sign of Aquarius.

Plan to be out and about, meeting new people. Adventurous Sagittarians can be a bit hesitant about the idea of commitment, but if you find a love interest who loves travel as much as you do, it could become a legendary match. If you've already found that person who inspires you, loves you, and wants to build a life with you, then Jupiter in Aries will help you spend more time together. In fact, this would be the time to take an overseas trip to weave a memory you two will always treasure.

Although this year will be more focused on the inner, private side of you than your public face, you will have opportunities to make a name for yourself. Good-fortune Jupiter will be in the house exactly opposite from your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, pinging golden energy back and forth between the two opposite poles. Watch developments that surface at the full moon of March 18, supported by lucrative Plutoin Capricorn. Much of what you've done in the recent past will now be rewarded, boosting your reputation. You have so much to get excited about for the year ahead!

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