Hi Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Week Is Here

What’s happening: Tonight, Mercury (which is still retrograde) squares off with Pluto, the planet of power and transformation. This is a major conversation-starter of a transit and any important discussions (or fights) that occurred near the end of Virgo season will defs be brought back up. On Saturday, Venus makes a gentle sextile to Pluto, giving you the opportunity to constructively change your love life, and the trine between Mercury and Jupiter on Sunday gives you a positive, confident outlook.

There’s a New Moon in Libra on Wednesday, encouraging you to start fresh with your relationships—and because of Mercury Retrograde and awkward angles between the Sun, Mars, and Uranus, you’re being pushed to think outside the box and keep an open mind to people who aren’t your usual type. This energy is even more reinforced on Thursday, when Venus flies into fiery Sagittarius, making you want to turn your love life into an adventure!

What that means for you:


It’s time to start The Talk, whether you’re ready or not! It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking about upgrading or downgrading your relationship status—this week’s astro-weather is really pushing you to start those tough convos with your special someone(s). This is not the time to DTR or make any major changes since, y’know, Mercury Retrograde, but it’s still vital to make sure you and your partner are on the same page re: your relationship—especially the future of your relationship.


This is a great weekend for your love life, Taurus! Saturday’s vibe encourages you to act out of character—in a good way! Shoot your shot, re-download all the dating apps, suggest trying something new in bed, whatever, just know that this weekend is all about trying new things (and people). This fun, flirty energy becomes way more serious when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday. Then, you’re taking the new things or people you’ve experienced this week, figuring out who/what you liked the best, and integrating them into your life.


You’re not finding what you want in your love life right now, but that’s because you’re being pushed to think—who or what do you really want? TBH, you might even be feeling jaded. Flirting is fun, but that spark? That chemistry? That connection? It’s missing. There are plenty of opportunities for fun coming your way this week, and if you’re cool with just hooking up, go for it! But if you’re interested in something with more substance, one of these potential paramours might be exactly what you’re looking for. But to find out, you gotta wait. Be patient. Get to know them. You won’t regret it!


I hate to say it, but this week’s not looking too hot for your love life, Cancer. Powerful Pluto’s influence is pushing you to unleash everything you’ve been holding back—secrets, jealousy, resentments—and it’s easy to blow up on your boo. It’s even easier to come off as waaaaay too much to your crush if you decide to dump all of your feelings on them, or start a fight with your ex out of nowhere. Stay calm, Cancer! Spend this weekend alone if you have to! I’m not saying you should ignore your feelings, but if you can’t even talk about them without starting a fight, you need to do some work—inner work, on yourself—first.


If you’re single and ready to mingle, this could be your lucky week! Check your dating apps—there are tons of hotties sliding into your DMs, especially on Sunday, and your next flirtationship or hookup is just a few texts away. Here’s the thing, though—it’s Mercury Retrograde, so your ex is likely in your DMs, too. If you’re totally over them, tell ‘em to hit the road. But if you’re feeling frisky and wanna hook up, go for it! Starting on Thursday, Venus in Sagittarius is prime hookup astro-weather, too—it’s super sexy and one of the best transits for your love life. Don’t you dare think about starting a new relationship though! It’s Mercury Retrograde, and any relationships you start now are likely to unwind sooner rather than later.


Although Mercury (your fave planet) is retrograde, you’re getting dealt a pretty good hand this week. Tonight has some pretty, well, raunchy potential. You’re very turned on and ready for action. Have fun—just be safe! If you’re looking for something more romantic, Saturday’s amazing for making new, very lovely connections, and/or making memorable impressions on your crush/boo. Despite the amazing potential paramours you’re meeting this week, you’re still struggling to find someone that feels “right.” It’s no secret that you have sky-high standards, but maybe you should consider being a little more realistic this week. Be flexible! Try new things, or new people!


HBD! Mercury is currently retrograde in your sign, which can be a total bummer—you’re mixing up your words, your normal pickup lines just aren’t working, you’re accidentally ghosting/getting ghosted—but don’t let it kill your vibe! Mercury’s linking up with lucky Jupiter on Sunday, activating your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun, so even if you are flubbing your pickup lines or sending typo after typo into your crush’s DMs, there are still plenty of opportunities to get lucky, or at least a lil flirty!


When Mercury Retrograde comes knocking and brings your ex back around tonight, Do! Not! Respond!!!!!! Just hit block—you don’t need the drama! Saturday has astounding potential for your love life, Scorpio, so let’s focus on maximizing on the good vibes, okay? First, Venus in your sign is turning you into a total babe magnet, and you’re noticing tons of hotties (way more than usual) trying to hit you up. Pick one, and have fun! This is not a super serious time for your love life, so if you just wanna hook up, then go for it!


This week is more social than romantic, but although you’re not getting too much action, you’re still making all the connections! Your squad may feel like it’s stuck in an annoying game of musical chairs with buddies shuffling in and out of your crew and friends becoming frienemies, but listen—instead of losing a friend, why not try turning your buddy into your boo? Maybe starting a FWB situation could be fun? Think on it, Sagittarius. There’s no pressure, but you never know!


Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, is in your sign right now, and it’s being activated by lovey Venus this weekend. That means that now is one of the best astrological opportunities to connect and start creating memorable, important relationships with others. Shoot your shot! Put yourself out there! Cast a wide net! This is also your final week of Venus in Scorpio, sending your love life all sorts of good vibes, but on Thursday, Venus moves into Sagittarius, activating your chart’s zone of isolation and the completion of cycles. This, plus Mercury Retrograde, is a major red flag for having to deal with exes, so have fun now before the drama starts next week.


Shoot for the stars, Aquarius! Dream big! What are your #relationshipgoals? If you’re single and ready to mingle, how can you connect with your next crush? If you’re looking to fool around, how can you find someone sexy to hook up with? If you’re ready to take things to the next level with your boo, how can you start The Talk? This is not a very action-packed week, but it’s actually a spectacular time for thinking and planning for the changes you want to make in the future. Don’t DTR or make anything “official” yet—Mercury Retrograde be retrograding—but instead make that plan now, so you can execute it flawlessly in the future.


This week’s astro-weather is hot, intense, and erotic, Pisces—and it’s also making you über emotional. If you’re happily taken, you can expect to grow very, very close with your partner, and have some amazing sex, too. But if you’re single, be super careful about who you’re connecting with—especially in bed. Hookups are almost destined to lead to you catching feelings, so although you’re absolutely loving this intimate, steamy energy, make sure you’re picking a really great match!

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