Hi, Your Halloween Sex Horoscope Is Here

What’s happening: There isn’t too much going on this week, but the astro-weather we are dealing with is major. On Saturday, Mercury enters Scorpio, making you more emotional, intense, and investigative. On Sunday, Mars Retrograde begins, a transit that will last until January 2023. This makes you less energetic, and kills your sex drive. Sorry!!! On Monday (yes, Halloween!), the Moon enters airy Aquarius, and on Wednesday, the Moon takes a dip into Pisces.

Happy Halloween!

What that means for *you*:


Things are about to get complicated in your love life, Aries. Mercury is joining the Sun in Scorpio, making you very emotional, and Mars Retrograde is happening in your chart’s zone of communications. So you’re feeling all the feels, and talking it out doesn’t seem to help. In order to survive this week without any drama, try to be patient, and focus on listening more than you talk.


With Mercury joining the Sun in Scorpio this weekend, your chart’s zone of relationships is lit TF up! Whether you’re going on a romantic date, having amazing sex, or just hanging out with each other, you’re able to do some serious relationship building work right now. If you’re single and ready to mingle, wait until the Moon enters Pisces on Wednesday before trying to meet anyone—the Moon activating your chart’s zone of networking is perf for finding your next fling.


You’re not getting much action this week, Gemini, and the action you are getting just isn’t doing the trick. Mars Retrograde is in your sign right now, so your sex drive is low, low, low. Remedy this problem by going slow. When it comes to sex, enjoy lots of foreplay before getting down to business. And when it comes to love, don’t make any serious commitments until the retrograde is over. Be patient!


Scorpio season is one of the best times of year for you, and with Mercury joining the party in Scorpio this weekend, you can count on having a blast. You’re more charismatic and confident than ever, and people are noticing! Here’s the problem, though. Mars is the planet of enemies, and it goes retrograde this week in your chart’s zone of past cycles. That means that an ex or two (or three or four or five) is lurking in the background right now. Keep your eyes peeled!


Your energy is at its lowest right now, thanks to Mars Retrograde, and getting any action is the last thing on your to-do list. And although you’re not too likely to find a new person to date or hook up with, you do run the risk of running into someone from your past. Maybe you’re interested in starting fresh with them—if so, meeting up actually isn’t a bad idea! Just avoid rushing into anything, and take it slow.


It feels easier than ever to make new connections right now, so put yourself out there! If you’ve been living like a hermit, try going out this week. If you’re coupled up, schedule a fun date night. If you’re single, download some dating apps and/or say hi to that cutie at the bar. You never know, you might meet your next special someone! Plan your first date for Wednesday, when the Moon is in your chart’s relationships zone.


Let’s be real—there isn’t much happening in your love life at all this week. Mercury leaves your sign on Saturday, so if you have anything important to say, tonight’s the night! If you’re just looking for a fling, the Moon enters your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun on Monday, so that’s your opportunity to find a hookup!


You’re finally done dealing with exes! As the planets move out of your chart’s 12th house, which governs the past, you’re feeling more like yourself again. That is…until Mars Retrograde begins on Sunday. This transit can bring struggles with intimacy, performance issues in bed, and a low libido. The problem goes beyond the bedroom—there’s something missing in the emotional connection you share with your partner, too. Happy birthday???


You live in the moment! You move forward and never look back! Well…starting this week, you’re gonna have to hit pause and spend a lot of time looking back at past relationships. Old flames are coming back around, issues with exes are becoming more relevant, and honestly? It’s a lot. Try to stay patient and talk things out instead of fighting, and you’ll be just fine.


All of the water sign energy in the stars is making it much easier for you to let down your walls and make new connections. Whether you’re looking for a hookup or a new potential love partner, or you want some quality time with your current S.O., you’re having an easier time opening up. Take advantage of this astro-weather!


Starting now, you’re being asked to take your love life more seriously, Aquarius. Hookups and flings don’t seem to do it for you anymore. You’re more interested in something lasting. It’s not a super sexy time for you, but you’re being given the chance with your crush/date/partner on an emotional level—outside of the bedroom.


This is not the weekend to take your love life super seriously, Pisces. Be adventurous! Hook up with someone who’s not your usual type! Buy a new sex toy! Get kinky! Shake things up however you can. New stuff, new people, whatever—just refresh your sex life!

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