Hi, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Overview: It’s not every week that Monday begins as productively as this one! A Sun-Saturn sextile helps us build big ideas as we start the week. On Wednesday, a Sun-Neptune square inspires you to cherish confusion. That’s right! Let uncertainty motivate you to get more deliberate and potentially revise a plan. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine continues the intellectual theme and wants to apply an innovative strategy that helps you change what you want to change!

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Delegate, Aries! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile wants you to ask other people for help and help other people. A Sun-Neptune square on Wednesday could make confusion even worse, so don’t rush to assumptions. Keep clarifying. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine wants you to put your values into practice professionally.


You’re doing the work, Taurus! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile inspires you to get some personal development done. Your friends might need to adjust to this new version of you under Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square. Give them—and yourself—patience. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine wants you make moves towards the travel or the education you’ve been thinking about!


Take a trust fall, Gemini! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile helps you have faith in others, and Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square might want you to declare some boundaries for protection and connection. Relationships are tricky! Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine helps you find closure from a tough habit in the most unexpected of ways.


Watch how you talk to yourself, Cancer! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile inspires you to be more compassionate. Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square wants you to value both the big and small picture. It’s a delicate balance! Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine is a social, lively one so gather with the people you’ve been missing and celebrate each other!


You’re worthy to receive, Leo! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile wants you to give a little less and take a lot more. A Sun-Neptune square on Wednesday helps you feel more confident through pursuing your sexual pleasures and desires. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine helps you notice the little details at work for major strategy and success.


Get granular, Virgo! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile helps you identify your most nuanced emotions so that you can experience them more accurately. A Sun-Neptune square this Wednesday then wants you to communicate those feels. Be brave! Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine changes your mind on a topic and gives you a confidence boost!


What do you really feel, Libra? Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile wants you to get even more fearless when naming your emotions. The Sun-Neptune square reminds you that naming the feeling doesn’t give power to the feeling—it gives power to you. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine gives you a greater sense of safety because you were honest with yourself and others.


Get embodied, Scorpio! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile helps you ground in touch with the physicality of your feelings. Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square inspires you to integrate what you’re believing and how you’re behaving. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine wants you to explore more of why you do or you don’t trust someone.


Expand your vocabulary, Sag! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile expands your world by broadening your language powerfully. Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square wants you to graciously adapt to an unknown. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine helps you see the small details.


Practice what you preach, Cap! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile inspires you to find closure by walking your talk. Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square reframes and continues this progress. Finally, Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine helps you accept and/or communicate these realizations, which strengthens your confidence.


You can find belonging, Aquarius! Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile helps you find a balance between connection and freedom. Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square promotes a conversation with your friend about the values you share. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine releases you from a disempowering emotional habit.


Career change, Pisces? Monday’s Sun-Saturn sextile wraps up a professional chapter and puts you in a new positive direction on the job. Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune square wants you to have more faith and optimism about the inevitably successful professional outcomes. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus trine wants you to gather ideas and feedback from your friends!

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