You’re ready to move on in some areas of your life but it isn’t a good idea to end things completely. It might be better to leave your options open. You never know who will be able to help you in the future. Keep a friendship going even if a joint project is coming to a close.
Your sensible and practical qualities are on show. Someone you are working with will have their head in the clouds. If progress is going to be made they need to be encouraged to be more realistic. Be firm with them but friendly with it so they don’t take offence.
Having fun with your family and friends and taking part in a variety of activities could make you forget a promise you made to a relative. They are counting on you to fulfil this obligation and although you may not be in the mood, you won’t want to let them down.
Your amour is planning a lovely surprise for you. Their upbeat and fun loving spirit will be making you feel joyful too. It will be good to feel appreciated by those you care for most. Express your own thanks in both words and loving gestures.
Happy moments and pleasant times shared with family and friends are what you live for. Special events infuse joy and compassion into your closest relationships. All you want to do now is to relax with the people in your life you love and trust.
You can be stubborn and you could insist on getting your own way but you are more likely to get other people’s support if you give them a chance to think about what you are suggesting. Something that happens later on will always be remembered with pleasure.
Something unexpected will occur. You can either walk away from an offer or let others know you are interested. If it sounds like this could make your life more fulfilling, where is the harm in finding out more? Following a routine path won’t be half as much fun.
You have a lot to be proud of but even in the light of a recent success, you should tread very carefully in a group concern. Someone in a position of power is not aware of all the hard work you have put into this project. They need to get acquainted with all that is going on.
Prepare yourself for an eventful time. The day will be full of interesting activity. Are you single and looking for love? Community events, functions and activities are likely to attract your interest. Romance will be found in your own locality.
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People will look to you to take charge of a group effort. If you can make it work this could make a big difference to your community and you will be very keen to do all you can to help. Take a chance to prove to others how strong your relationships can be.
A fresh twist in your professional world or concerning a community effort will enable you to benefit in some unexpected ways. Events that occurred recently will have paved the way to this happening even though no-one could have predicted the strange way everything has come together.
You admire a group’s achievements. It doesn’t get any less impressive. A show, performance or presentation will be the likes of which you have never seen before. Creative and artistic Pisceans will be able to draw on the energy of the planets to produce some inspirational work.
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