MILLIONS of households will see their council tax bill increase in April as the cost of living crisis continues.
Councils across the UK are planning to hike tax rates this year – here's how to find out if you'll be affected.
The government gave the go-ahead to councils to raise rates by as much as 3% without having to hold a referendum.
Local authorities can also add on an extra amount to cover social care costs.
Town leaders have already started to publish their council tax rates in draft consultations.
The amount you'll pay is determined by the local council and depends which "band" the property you live in falls under.
Your home's band is based on its value – the more expensive the property, the more council tax will be charged.
We explain how to check whether your council tax bill will rise next year.
Is my council tax set to rise?
Households receive their council tax bills in April, at the beginning of the new financial year.
Before then, it's hard to say which areas are likely to raise rates by the most – and which may keep rates frozen for another year.
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Changes to council tax are typically announced in the last week of March, giving homeowners little time to prepare for changes to their annual budget.
This year, for example, the changes were announced on March 25.
In the meantime, it's safe to say your council tax is likely to go up by around 2.5 to 3%.
That's because ministers are set to allow councils to charge a 2% increase – that's on top of a 1% hike that will fund social care.
Hargreaves Lansdown senior personal finance analyst Sarah Coles told The Sun: "It will be up to individual councils how much they take advantage of this, but there’s a strong likelihood that many of them will.
"They’re wrestling with the enormous rise in the cost of social care, so they may well raise council tax as much as they possibly can."
Though it's not yet clear which areas will be most affected, Coles said there is likely to be a strong regional divide.
She said: "This year the average Band D council tax is £1,898, but someone on Band D in Westminster is paying £829 a year while someone on Band D in Nottingham is paying £2,226.
"This means a percentage-based rise in council tax hits those with higher bills even harder.
"A 3% rise in Nottingham would mean an extra £66.78, while in Westminster it would mean a rise of £24.87."
What can I do if I'm struggling to pay?
If you're having a hard time paying off council tax debt, there's may be help available.
The Treasury is today expected to announce a £150 rebate for everyone on bands A to D as an extra measure of support for those on the lowest incomes.
However the funding hasn't yet been confirmed.
You should also check whether you're eligible for a council tax discount or exemption.
For example, single people can get 25% off their bills while students don't have to pay at all.
Struggling homeowners could get thousands of pounds in council tax debts wiped as councils clear record levels of arrears.
To do this, you must fill out a Section 13A application form, and it's down to your council to decide whether to clear your debts.
Here are some more ways to save thousands of pounds on your council tax.
We've listed nine benefits you could be missing out on – and how to check if you're owed a government pay-out.
You might also be in the wrong council tax band – and paying hundreds more than you need to.
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