How do you draw boundaries with tricky family members?

Drawing personal boundaries is tough enough, but it gets even more complicated when it’s with a family member who might be tricky to navigate. And it’s not just us regular plebs – the stars also struggle with how to respond when they feel a family member has betrayed them.

From left: Singer Shakira, pictured with former husband, Gerard Pique, and Princes William and Harry, have used, respectively, a “diss track” and a media trial, to strike back at family members.Credit:Getty Images

Witness Colombian singer Shakira, who reportedly got into a physical altercation with her former mother-in-law the other week, over allegations that the latter hid her son’s cheating from the singer. (Shakira separated from her former husband, Gerard Piqué, last year.) Meanwhile, Prince Harry has just accused his family, in a witness statement in a court case against the publisher of the Daily Mail, of “withholding information” about him being the victim of phone hacking to save the firm’s reputation.

We might not have the high-wattage means of communicating our resentments, like the rich and famous do. Neither a self-recorded “diss track” about our former partner’s alleged cheating, like Shakira had, to blast in front of her former mother-in-law’s house. Nor the help of magazines and newspapers, willing to transmit every bitter allegation about our family worldwide (as in the case of Harry).

But we ordinary folk still manage to do some serious relationship damage with the pedestrian means at our disposal.

“I’ve seen it destroy a [romantic] relationship,” says clinical psychologist Dr Rowan Burckhardt, director of the Sydney Couples Counselling Centre. He’s referring to what sometimes happens when one member of a couple feels mistreated by a member of their partner’s family, and feels that their partner doesn’t adequately defend them.

“Being attacked or being, you know, kind of put down by a family member of your partner, and not feeling that support [from them] – it can create an emotional wound [called] an attachment injury,” Burckhardt says.

Shakira (centre) with ex-husband Gerard Pique’s mother Montserrat Bernabeu (left).Credit:Getty

“Infidelity is the most common form of an attachment injury. I’ve worked with couples where that [emotional] attachment injury has had just the effect of infidelity would. It made the person lose all their trust and feel so hurt and [they] were unable to repair from that.”

There are countless other common triggers among families, though, that leave us scrambling to maintain our relationships with loved ones, while still protecting ourselves from being walked on, say psychologists.

The greatest hits of family lows also include: passive-aggressive comments, and when grown-up kids and their parents perceive each other as demanding too much from each other – like, for instance, parents asking for “too much” help with the grandkids, or grandparents demanding they see grandkids all the time.

Then there’s the wince-inducing situation when one family member treats another like their personal ATM.

“I mean, often what we do is we try and change the behaviour of someone else, [and think] ‘I want them to stop asking for money because if they stopped asking for money we wouldn’t be so uncomfortable’,” says Elisabeth Shaw, CEO of Relationships Australia NSW, naming one of the biggest problems people have, when it comes to setting boundaries with family members. “But the thing we have control over is our own response. That’s the only thing we can control.”

Another mistake many of us make is sucking up our resentment, and remaining silent.

“People get scared of opening this kind of door because I think they really fear they might unleash an avalanche of trouble,” says Shaw.

But ignoring the problem often makes things worse, even leading to estrangement.

“Because that’s often the only way to actually put those barriers in place, is to just walk away, and go, ‘I just have to do that and feel OK about it’,” says Caroline Hunt, president of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association. She has seen this in cases where a child has always been expected to provide support for their parent.

“There’s a lack of boundaries there, in terms of, ‘I’m the parent, you’re the child’,” says Hunt.

It’s not uncommon that once the child becomes an adult, they try to establish a boundary, and limit how much support they give, only to be guilt-tripped.

“If they try to break away, they’re told, ‘How can you do this to me? Your parent, who’s looked after you all these years, blah, blah, blah’,” says Hunt.

So how can we draw boundaries with a tricky family member?

Spend a few minutes standing in their shoes, says Shaw. “Say, ‘What are the good reasons that this person might be doing this?’ You may not agree with them, but for example, is it possible the person fears being left out? Or doesn’t have a life of their own, and maybe doesn’t have any boundaries?”

Then, if you decide you want to maintain a relationship with this person, explain, calmly, what is not working for you, what the consequences of their behaviour are, and suggest an alternative arrangement.

“It’s not about telling everybody exactly what you think, because of course, we’d all be offending everybody if we all did that,” says Hunt, adding that you want to think carefully about how to get your message across without disrespecting or hurting the other person.

Often, a straightforward question can be remarkably effective, says Shaw.

“Say you’ve got an in-law who makes really snarky comments. It would be saying to them, ‘Look, our relationship is important… but I sometimes find your comments hurtful. I wonder what is behind them?’” she says.

“At the very least, even if they deny it, or deflect, or say you’re too sensitive, you’ve put them on notice that there’s an issue. That’s the best chance of getting them to be more sensitive,” she says, adding that we shouldn’t assume that the person’s initial response is the final say on the matter.

“If someone is shamed or feels put out, they might need some time to get over that or lick their wounds.”

If you’re having to put a family member on notice that it makes you uncomfortable to be continually asked for money, but that you’d like to still hang out and remain close, you can say you don’t want money to be “part of the equation”, but offer to help them with their CV, or introducing them to people who might potentially hire them, says Shaw.

“So instead of letting yourself be cast out, you move into the helpful [territory],” she says. “You just have to be careful you’re not moving into being controlling.”

It’s all about making that first step.

“Often people say, ‘Well, if I stood up for myself, their feelings may be hurt, or they may not speak to me again,’” says Shaw. “But you don’t get everything you want. You get to set the boundaries and set them in a way that [has the best chance of] preserving the relationship.”

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