Hugh Grant Reveals Movie He'd Erase from His Resume During Gross Out Game on James Corden

Chris Pine chewed on cow testicles to avoid answering this question, while Corden was pressed to reveal his least favorite guest.

Hugh Grant, Chris Pine and James Corden all downed some pretty out-there delicacies to avoid answering a few shady questions during a game of “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts.”

On Wednesday’s episode of “The Late Late Show,” the two “Dungeons & Dragons” stars joined the show’s host for a medieval-themed installment of the viral game — during which both the guests and Corden himself have to eat bizarre foods in front of them if they opt against answering a question that could get them in trouble.

On the menu this time: bug porridge, Vienna sausage ale, cow testicles, worm and mayo Shepard’s Pie, boiled cabbage and locusts, congealed blood pudding, fish eye skewers and a “bowl o’ bull penis.”

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Upon hearing the options, the often-grumpy Grant deadpanned he felt “utterly miserable” about the game, adding, “I regret coming on your show.” Pine was right there with him, exclaiming he felt “awful” about what was to come.

With that, the game began, with Grant being asked to name his least favorite film of Pine’s.

“I love Chris and I’ve come to regard him as a great, great film star and actor. My problem is I only really watch tennis. So I haven’t seen any of his films,” he began, as Corden called that a copout, before pressing him further. “Here’s how I’m going to show my respect and my love, by drinking a little,” Grant said, before downing the sausage ale and claiming it actually wasn’t bad “at all.”

Grant then selected the cow testicles for Pine, who was tasked with answering the same question about his costar. “Were you in ‘You Got Mail’? Were you in that?” asked Pine, before both Grant and Corden started cracking up — since, no, he’s not. Not wanting to name another movie, Pine then started chewing on the testicles … before a surprise squirting made him start spitting up.

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After Corden did his Grant impression to get out of eating something himself, Hugh was then asked to name a movie he’d love to erase from his resume.

“I would happily shred my IMDB page, my CV, because I specialized in being bad for decades really. I got better,” he said. “As you know, as someone in the industry, it’s one thing to say I was bad but I can’t bring down the rest of my wonderful colleagues who worked with me on any film by saying it was bad … that’s my dilemma.”

He then named “The Lady and the Highwayman,” saying he was “meant to be sexy” in the television film from the ’80s, but had a “bad wig” and “looked like Deputy Dawg.” Of his performance, he said it was “poor,” before apologizing to his colleagues from the film.

After Pine ate some boiled cabbage and locusts to avoid ranking his “Into the Woods” costars, Corden was put on the spot with the last question. “You’ve hosted 1,184 episodes of this show … which is roughly two thousand guests … who’s the worst?” asked Pine.

“Now historically I wouldn’t answer this because I’ve still got more shows to do, but I’m out of here in a few weeks, what have I got to lose?” Corden said at first … before changing his mind, calling the question “cruel” and throwing back a scorpion.

Watch the full game above. “Dungeons & Dragons” hits theaters this weekend.

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