I am a doctor and you will never find me enjoying a snack in my bed

I am a doctor and you will never find me enjoying a snack in bed: Here’s why eating where you sleep is dangerous

  •  Dr Sam from Singapore says ‘don’t eat in bed’
  •  He says it invites cockroaches to live in your ears

A doctor has revealed exactly why you should never eat in bed, grossing out thousands of his followers.

Dr Sam, from Singapore, loves gross medical stories and explained eating in the bedroom makes you the perfect candidate for a German cockroach infestation.

And he doesn’t mean ‘your house’. 

The TikTok famous doc explained the little roaches are attracted to the smell of earwax, and love nothing more than to live in a warm, moist environment – like the ear canal.

The only other thing they need is food. And if you eat in bed then the scraps are enough.

Dr Sam has revealed why he doesn’t eat in bed

‘The cockroaches use it as a base to do midnight runs for food,’ the doctor explained.


Do you eat in your bed?

Do you eat in your bed?

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He told the story of a 24-year-old man from China who had a family of ten roaches living in his ear.

The young man ‘had a habit of leaving unfinished food packets by his bed’ the doctor explained.

One night he woke up with a sharp pain in his ear.

When his family took a look they were horrified to find a cockroach peeking out at them.

‘It was causing a lot of discomfort because it was crawling and scratching inside,’ he said. 

He explained the ear canal is the perfect home for bugs – especially cockroaches

The doctor said it is important to never try to remove the cockroach yourself – because you could do more harm than the insect.

Instead you should always have the bug or family of bugs removed by a doctor.

Dr Sam added that other bugs can also make a home in your ear and that there are similar medical stories from many different countries.

His post left his fans disturbed and definitely with a ‘new fear unlocked’.

Replying to @tylonrodriguez You probably shouldn’t watch this before sleeping. Everybody needs a home. Video Cred @munimarin #learningisfun #skingapore #gpsamuel #doctorsoftiktok #tiktokdoctor #familymedicine #interestingfacts #newfearunlocked #sgdoctor #singaporedoctor #drsam #drsamuel #ear #earwax #cockroach #insect #hearingloss if you are experiencing pain, it is always best to consult your healthcare professionals for a second opinion. Sometimes it isnt an insect! #notmedicaladvice #publichealtheducation #earcockroach #earinsect #earspider #drown

‘I will be sleeping with earplugs from now on,’ said one horrified woman.

‘This inspired my fear of sleeping without a blanket over my head,’ one person added.

Other people said they have had bugs in their ears.

‘I had a fly in my ear when I was six, it caused a lot of pain,’ one woman said.

Dr Sam is a GP specialising in skin care and family health. But his TikTok feed is focused on disgusting medical mysteries and ‘unlocking fears’.

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