I am struggling to get an erection six months after having vasectomy | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I HAVE always enjoyed a great sex life with my wife but am struggling to get an erection after having a vasectomy six months ago.

I am 42 and my wife is 39.

We have been married for ten years and have two children.

We knew we didn’t want any more kids, so after researching all the options we decided on the snip.

Since this problem started, I am worried my wife will think I don’t love her or find her attractive any more.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

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I love her and enjoy making love to her.

I am feeling very frustrated, and inadequate.


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DEIDRE SAYS: There is no reason why a vasectomy should cause sexual difficulties.

But worrying that it might, as will trying to keep your anxiety secret from your wife, could cause problems.

Reassure your wife you love and desire her but say you need a bit of help to boost your sex life again.

My support pack Solving Erection Problems explains self-help.

It should be enough, but if that doesn’t work for you, ask your GP to refer you for specialist help.

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