I saved wild animal thinking it was a dog – people keep telling me hes no pet

A woman was taken aback when after learning the injured “dog” she’d rescued was actually a wild animal.

Meg Alexandra was preparing for an incoming tornado when she spotted a “whimpering” puppy curled up into a ball in her garden.

But theTikTokergot more than she bargained for when discovering the animal she rescued wasn’t a pooch after all – it was a wild coyote.

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The mum told her followers on@meg.alexandra88: “Found this little guy outside whimpering while preparing for a tornado.

“His eyes haven't fully opened and he was shivering. We brought him inside after looking for his mother and waiting for her to come back.”

Meg took the young cub into her home and wrapped him warmly in a towel.

But as she fed him milk through a syringe to help him regain strength, she noticed something wasn’t quite right.

She said: “Once I started feeding him I noticed the smell of infection and when I looked…"

Placing the coyote in the bath, she notice a collection of maggots littered through the poorly pup's fur.

The TikToker added: “He was covered in larvae and a yellow crust that I thought was a skin condition until the water started washing them away."

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Scrubbed up and fed, Meg is now looking to get the wild animal the help it needs.

She said: “Finally I was able to see the wound on his tail. I’m trying to get him to a wildlife rescue so this sweet boy can recover.”

And fans were full of gratitude that she took in the innocent pup instead of leaving him exposed to the elements and predators.

One person wrote: “Thank you for helping it! Not many would take care of a naturally wild baby.”

Another added: “He loves you!!! I'm glad you found each other.”

Others however warned that he’s a wild animal and can’t be kept as a pet.

A concerned commenter wrote: “Take him to a rehabber so he can be released to the wild.

“He’s not a domestic animal and at some point his instincts will take over!”

Another added: "But this is a wild animal. He will NOT behave like a domestic dog.

"Yes they can be kept as pets but by experienced people."


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