I’m a doctor – here’s what being a night owl or a morning person says about your personality | The Sun

WE'VE all got that one friend or family member who can't seem to string a sentence together first thing in the morning.

If that sounds like you then you might be a night owl and one expert has now revealed that your sleep routine could speak volumes when it comes to your personality.

Data from MatressNextDay shows that around two thirds of people are night owls.

If that's you, it's likely you'll go to bed later, burning the midnight oil.

Dr Clare Stone explained: "Evening types generally do not fit well within the societal structure of our typical working day, as their circadian rhythm does not fit within the usual 9-5 working hours.

"Due to their peak time in the evening, they may have more space for creative thinking and willingness to 'colour outside of the lines’.

"Evening types are more likely to show increased levels of extraversion, meaning that they tend to be more outgoing and sociable."

This, she added, explains why so many people fall into this category.

Tamsyn Isgrove, a clinical hypnotherapist added that most of the time, night owls are more open to experiences and seem more flexible.

"Because they are not worried about going to bed at a certain time. This, I think, tends to make them more creative," she added.

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But if you're not a night owl, it's likely you're a morning person.

This means you're up and ready to go as soon as your alarm goes off and you always seem to be full of beans – even if everyone else is slightly blurry-eyed.

Tamsyn said that in general, early birds tend to be happier, healthier and overall, more productive people.

Dr Stone said that these people are likely to have traits that fit in with the demands of daily working life.

The guru explained: "Morning-types are more likely to gather their knowledge from tangible and concrete sources.

"This means that they are more trusting towards direct experience and things they can objectively observe and are more analytical in their thinking.

“These traits are primarily argued to be due to the early bird's circadian rhythm fitting in nicely with the typical timing demands of daily working life.

"To be a peak performer during the day, it helps if you strive to be organised and get things done, evaluate things objectively and have the skills to be liked and influence others to collaborate."

The data also revealed that when it comes to the most successful celebrities, they are a hybrid mix of both night owls and morning people.

For example, Elon Musk, who is the CEO of Tesla and worth around £216 billion has a sleep pattern like this.

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It's said that most nights he gets 6-7 hours sleep and then wakes up at 7am to answer emails.

Bill Gates is also said to follow a similar pattern, also waking up at 7am.

    Source: Read Full Article

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