I'm a specialist – you've been showering wrong and it’s causing your hair to fall out

SHOWERING is essential -with most people having at least one a day.

For some it's an in and out job, while others like to wind down, and on occasion, even indulge in a sing-song.

But one expert has said that the way you wash could actually be causing your hair to fall out.

Sam Cinkir, CEO of Este Medical Group said it's people who have hot showers who are most at risk of damaging their luscious locks.

He explained that this is because of the effect hot water has on your blood flow and the overall health of your strands.

"Most people love a hot shower before or after a long day.

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"It can help us relax, but having your shower too hot can cause a lot of damage to your skin and your hair.

"Hot water slows down blood flow and your scalp needs good circulation to encourage healthy hair growth."

The hair guru explained that having a steamy shower can also make your hair more brittle and susceptible to breakage, which in turn leads to hair loss.

This, he said, is because when you have hot water on your scalp, it opens pores, making the roots of your hair weaker allowing it to come away easier.

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"Washing with warm water will open your pores enough for your roots and scalp to be cleaned but not enough to cause damage and loss of hair", he added.

But it's not just hair loss that hot showers can cause, and if you suffer from dandruff, you might want to turn the temperature down.

Mr Cinkir highlighted that scalp inflammation, where the skin tissue on your head is damaged and becomes inflamed and irritated, can aggravate hair loss as it hinders the skin’s ability to absorb the oxygen and nutrients your scalp needs to maintain healthy hair.

"Using water so high in temperature that it damages your scalp can not only be uncomfortable but can lead to extreme dry skin which causes dandruff.

“Dandruff might be a common hair concern, it’s not pleasant for anyone who suffers, and is best avoiding where possible.” 

When it comes to hair washing in general , Mr Cinkir said having the shower too hot can dry your hair out, making it frizzy and hard to manage.

He added: “It can also strip your hair of its natural oils, and your body will work to replace those oils, resulting in your hair becoming greasier quicker.” 

So, what's the solution?

No one wants a freezing cold shower, and Mr Cinkir said that a happy medium is the best way forward.

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He said you should shower in warm water and then rinse your hair with cold water.

"There are many benefits to rinsing with cold water including improved circulation, preserving natural oils and maintaining a smooth texture by locking in moisture", he added.

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