I'm sick of doing extra work while my colleagues stay at home

DEAR DEIDRE: I REALLY resent my colleagues who still work from home, while I have to do lots of extra work in the office for no more pay.

I’m a 38-year-old woman and my job has required me to be in the office all throughout the pandemic.

I’ve had to risk my health commuting during lockdowns while my co-workers stayed safe at home – and got an extra hour in bed.

I don’t mind working onsite. What I mind is that my workload has increased dramatically because I now have to deal with everything that crops up on my own.

I assumed that when my colleagues were able to return to work, they would. However, I’ve learned that many of them have chosen to continue working from home indefinitely. Some have even moved further away. It’s making me feel bitter and angry.

I know I’m lucky to still have a job when so many others in the country don’t. But this situation is unfair.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You need to talk to your line manager or supervisor and explain that your workload has increased dramatically while your pay doesn’t reflect this.

Write a list of your extra duties, rather than simply saying you are doing more work. Have a word with HR too.

My support pack Standing Up For Yourself should help. You may also find it useful to contact Acas (acas.org.uk, 0300 123 1100), which gives independent advice on work issues.

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