Independent transparency campaign group got money from hidden donors

A climate foundation with unknown donors has become one of the strongest supporters of the Climate 200 campaign led by Simon Holmes a Court, raising $304,000 in a financial structure similar to the associated entities used by major political parties.

The funding from the little-known Climate Outcomes Foundation has sparked a fight over transparency when Mr Holmes a Court is backing independent candidates at the coming election on a platform to restore integrity in politics.

The Climate 200 group is supporting independent candidates at the federal election.Credit:AP

With campaign finance experts calling for curbs on the use of foundations, trusts and investment companies to hide the source of money in politics, the founders of the climate foundation have moved to wind up the entity ahead of the coming election.

Climate 200 received $195,000 from the Climate Outcomes Foundation before the last federal election and took another $77,000 from the entity last financial year, according to documents at the Australian Electoral Commission including disclosures released on Tuesday.

The foundation paid another $32,000 in recent months in what is expected to be its last contribution to the campaign group, with Climate 200 executive director Byron Fay saying the foundation would not be donating to the election campaign effort.

“Our understanding is that COF lodged deregistration paperwork with ASIC in November 2021,” he said.

Taking donations from foundations and trusts is a standard part of the political system with the Liberal Party relying on investment entities like the Cormack Foundation and Labor using John Curtin House.

“The major parties rely on their associated entities and unions for the lion’s share of their fundraising, but information about the source of this money is hard to trace,” said the chair of the Centre for Public Integrity, former NSW Supreme Court judge Anthony Whealy, QC, this week.

Mr Holmes a Court estimated Climate 200 had raised $3.3 million in two months late last year. The group updates a public list of its donors each week on its website, although it does not say how much they contribute.

Mr Fay said this disclosure was better than the approach at Liberal entities that back the party without revealing their sources.

But Victorian Liberal Senator Jane Hume, the Minister for Financial Services, said Mr Holmes a Court was hiding donors.

“If Mr Holmes a Court wants to be taken seriously, he should man up and put his name on the ballot, campaign with his policies rather than his inheritance, and disclose all his donors like everyone else,” she said.

“And the greatest hypocrisy is that the “Voices for” candidates that take the money Mr Holmes a Court and others have obscured through his scheme are the ones calling for more transparency in politics.”

While Climate 200 has revealed public donations from high-profile individuals such as Atlassian founder Mike Cannon-Brookes, who gave $50,000 in May 2019, the Climate Outcomes Foundation never lodged a report with the AEC to reveal its source of funds.

Climate Outcomes Foundation director Charlie Caruso has said in the past that her organisation was made up of wealthy donors who were passionate about climate leadership.

Documents lodged with the AEC show several groups that back independent candidates used the same financial controller as Climate 200, including Wentworth Independents and Kooyong Independent.

Most of the “significant third parties” registered since new electoral funding laws passed Parliament in December show they had no money coming in during the 2020-21 financial year.

After the legislation passed, Special Minister of State Ben Morton urged Coalition MPs to tell the electoral commission of any “Voices of” groups or other new entities preparing to engage in the coming election.

As of January 31, only seven groups had registered as significant third parties under the new laws, including Master Builders Australia, and a further six associated entities were registered.

Significant third parties – which don’t necessarily back a particular candidate but are defined by the amount of money spent on campaigns aimed at swaying votes – have until March 14 to register with the electoral commission.

The disclosures released on Tuesday only covered donations made to the end of June 2021. Many of the independent candidates emerging from the Voices process and backed by these fundraising vehicles were announced in the second half of 2021.

One of two groups targeting Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s seat of Hume, Vote Angus Out, took in just over $29,000 during the financial year and spent $27,400 in electoral matters. The group was set up in early 2020 and has been selling merchandise including t-shirts and buying roadside signs with the “Vote Angus Out” slogan.

The other organisation in Mr Taylor’s electorate, Voices of Hume, which formed in January 2020 and announced last November it was explicitly backing independent candidate Penny Ackery, was not listed in the AEC’s disclosures on Wednesday.

Wentworth Independents, which is backing Allegra Spender, received a $40,000 loan from Michael Joseph and a further $50,000 loan from Lyndell Droga, both Woollahra residents.

Out of the newly registered associated entities – groups either controlled by political parties or which funnel money to a specific candidate or party – only the Voices of Goldstein group received any donations in 2020-21.

The organisation, which is backing former ABC journalist Zoe Daniel to run against Liberal junior minister Tim Wilson, took in $3656 in the financial year.

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