I've fallen for my best friend’s ex and don’t know whether to ask her on a date | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I’VE fallen for my best friend’s ex and don’t know whether to ask her on a date or avoid it out of respect for my mate.

I’m 25, my best friend is also 25 and his ex is 23.

They were together for a year but had quite a nasty break-up because she thought he was cheating.

He is a proper flirt but I don’t think he actually strayed.

They are friendly now but he did tell me soon after their break-up that he couldn’t bear the thought of her with anyone else.

Last weekend I received a text from her, telling me she likes me. I feel the same.

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My friend doesn’t know about any of this.

What should we do?

DEIDRE SAYS: This girl is not your best friend’s personal property.

They may have a history together but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t both move on.

Go on a date but be honest with your friend about it beforehand.

By the time things develop, he is likely to have moved on himself too and at least everything will be out in the open.

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