Kate sounds produced on radio unlike Meghans proficient podcast

Kate and Meghan: Podcast hosts compare skillset for audio

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Kate Middleton and Prince William took over Newsbeat on Radio 1 on October 12 to hear the mental health experiences of four guests. Royal commentators compared the Prince and Princess of Wales’ hosting skills with that of Meghan Markle.

The Duchess of Sussex hosts Archetypes, a podcast exclusive to Spotify, where she examines archetypes used to hold women back.

Royal commentators and hosts of the podcast ‘Royally Obsessed’, Roberta Fiorito and Rachel Bowie, compared the two different styles of hosting from the Royal Family.

They said of Kate and William’s radio stint: “It felt kind of thin to me if I’m being totally honest, I just thought there were very few actionable tips.

“There was a lot of talk about this mental health toolbox, and the words mental health kept being used, but I always want actionable steps – there was just a lot of flash.

“It was definitely produced and put together, but it comes back to wanting those next steps. It was a lot of style, but not a lot of substance,” the hosts claimed.

How did it compare to Meghan Markle’s podcast?

They continued: “I think we expect so much too and I hate to compare because I know there’s no real comparison, but with Archetypes, hearing Meghan and how proficient she is at podcasting, it really sets the bar so high for everyone else, for all of the royals.

“I think she’s done an incredible job with Archetypes but really she has a lot more time and a lot more space for that.”

Body language expert Judi James analysed Kate and William during their stint on Radio 1 for Express.co.uk.

She said: “Talking about mental health, William and Kate move into different but complementary body language states.

“William is more active and, for him, the advice and the points look and sound personal, to suggest they are things that help him that he is just passing on.

“Kate uses intense listening signals as William talks, just as they both do when the others in the studio are speaking.

“William frowns in concentration while Kate nods with a serious facial expression.

“Their focus seems to be as much on listening as talking here, which shows a real awareness of their subject-matter.

“When Kate speaks she uses torso movement to engage and inspire as she throws a question out at the interviewers, almost like a professional interviewer herself.

“She looks confident in this scenario and that projection of confidence and strength reflects in the way that, when she and William both speak at once, he is the one who very naturally backs down.”

Judi also listened to Meghan’s latest podcast and told Express.co.uk: “This is an intriguing intro from Meghan. We’re very used to getting warnings before TV shows start but they are often dual-purpose, meaning they have one eye on our well-being but sometimes another on boosting viewers by provoking our curiosity. 

“Meghan sounds purely concerned for the welfare and emotional responses of her listeners and fans and her warning sounds sincere but also unusual. Should we brace ourselves or just avoid listening? Presumably, the specific details to help that decision are in the notes she mentions.

“Her tone sounds intend to be chatty and personal, using phrases like ‘by the way’ to create links between her points to suggest she is leading us down through our options. 

“‘It’s ok. Just tune out, I will still be here next week’ seems to take a tone of almost parental reassurance, letting her fans know that she will still be there for them and that they shouldn’t worry about missing a podcast,” Judi added.

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