Lauren London Says Nipsey's Death Taught Her To "Surrender" Control And 'My Idea Of What I Thought My Life Should Be'

Actress Lauren London’s grief moved many people when her longtime partner, rapper Nipsey Hussle, was tragically killed in 2019. Since his passing, she’s become a beacon of strength, fortified by her faith. She recently sat down with former Hindu monk and life coach Jay Shetty to discuss her journey of spirituality and how she’s been navigating grief on his On Purpose podcast. 

During their talk, Shetty asked London how it feels to have a plan for life and then have the picture you imagined torn apart. 

The actress responded, “It is the ultimate test of surrender, letting it go [and] letting God now move in your life. I think for me, I had this idea, we had the kids, we had a family, [but] the head of the household is not here anymore. Does that mean I have no purpose here anymore? No. I still have a purpose, I still have a mission. And now I have to tap into myself. I had to surrender my idea of what I thought my life should be and give my children the opportunity for a happy life.”

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London added, “So I might as well focus on my enlightenment when things don’t go as planned. We have to surrender and flow with the river, not fight with the rocks.”

As London talked about her journey to spirituality, she touched on her relationship with the rapper and how they poured into one another. 

“I think something people don’t know is we were always talking about how we could have a better relationship with God individually, in our purpose, and our missions in life. How we just helped each other on our own individual missions and that our relationship was actually more spiritual than it was anything and that we bonded on our quest for the truth,” she says. 

Hussle was shot and killed in front of his clothing store in South Los Angeles in March of 2019. The two shared a child together, Kross Ermias Asghedom.

London has since landed a Puma deal where she launched a collection called Forever Stronger. She carried the baton from Hussle who had an existing relationship with Puma through his brand The Marathon Continues. 

We admire London’s courage and strength. Losing the love of your life cannot be easy. We’re glad she’s in what seems to be a better space now and gracefully moving forward with her life. 

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